• Envisioning an "Everyone a Changemaker" world

  • We Are the Change開催しました

  • ユース・ベンチャー報告会を開催しました!



システムチェンジに取り組み、ASHOKAの厳しい基準をパスしたアショカ・フェローや、社会の綻びに気づき自分で取り組みを立ち上げた20歳以下のユースベンチャーをはじめ、 "Everyone a Changemaker"(一人ひとりがチェンジメーカーである社会)に共感する人々を巻き込んだコミュニティを作っています。



Ashoka's Impact


MMH Partnership




Group of youth speaking in a circle



貧困層や社会的弱者のバックグラウンドを持つ若者が直面している問題を解決するためにはどうすればいいのか?アショカと米NPOのFirst Bookが辿り着いた結論は、彼らにしかない視点と生きた経験を取り組みに昇華させる「チェンジメーカーのマインドセット」でした。





We recognize a new era is about to start. In this new era, empathy and changemaking skills, which Ashoka exemplifies, would equip our young people to lead the country.

Kan Suzuki
Professor at Tokyo University and Keio University
Headshot of Kan Suzuki

Forbes knows that the story is change. No one sees that more clearly than Ashoka. It has an extraordinary ability both to envision the big, new patterns and to engineer their emergence.


Bill Drayton emphasized to us [that] empathy is increasingly becoming our primary resource for dealing with the exponential rate of change the world is going through.

Arianna Huffington
Founder, The Huffington Post
Headshot of Arianna Huffington

Being involved with Ashoka has set a high bar for the rest of philanthropy [...] because I can see that these are the people who are driving true change. [...] Most important about what Ashoka is doing is that they make people believe that change is possible. That belief can go viral.

Anne Wojcicki
Co-Founder and CEO, 23andMe
23andMe logo

How society helps children grow up needs fundamental innovation at least as urgently as in how it produces computers. That is why Ashoka is so important. It finds, helps launch, and then links and leverages the most powerful social innovations and innovators.

Carol Bellamy
Former Executive Director, UNICEF
Carol Bellamy

No matter a person’s abilities, if he or she helps others – to that degree he or she will be powerful, happy, and long-lived. That’s why Ashoka’s leadership in building a world where everyone is a changemaker, i.e., a giver, makes it so special and powerful.

Timothy P. Shriver
Chairman, the Special Olympics

The results of Ashoka’s shared leadership with the focus on solving social challenges is clear: 74 percent of Fellows have managed to change the legislation or have influenced public policies.

La Vanguardia
La Vanguardia

[Ashoka] functions as a collaborative network that supports and amplifies change by bringing together changemakers.

India Today
India Today