Story by: Juliana Ojong

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Indonesia ??

Greetings, I am Juliana Ojong, 48-year-old Vegan mother with 2 kids.

I have been an Organic Waste Volunteer for over 3 years. We have opened more than 300 online and offline free classes and free sample products to participants. We’ve collected fruit peels and vegetables chunks to be renewed as Eco Enzyme.

When COVID-19 appeared, it made me realize that disasters could happen anytime and we can’t prevent them. We can’t avoid natural disasters, but we can stop it from happening. Garbage is one of the causes of climate change, one of the biggest problems in the Earth now. It’s time we live in harmony with nature and human kind and even live in harmony with the garbage we throw to this day. I believe every faith and religion in the world teaches us to love nature and live in harmony.

6 months before COVID 19, I am extremely grateful to learn Eco Enzyme from my temple, which invented more than 30 years ago by Dr Rosukon from Thailand. This methode is one of the ways to reuse organic waste into a useful product. Eco Enzyme is a multi-purpose fermented liquid that originates from organic waste which can be used as carbol and even a replacement for soap. This new, safe, cheap and even faster way to save the earth from climate change. Organic waste that accumulates in landfills creates methane gas that causes climate change.

As a Vegan, I consume many vegetables and fruits. The waste itself is too valuable to be thrown away to the landfill. From that mindset, I become motivated to produce Eco Enzyme everyday. I started making campaigns on Instagram and Facebook to gather 100 vegetarian canteens around Indonesia and introduced Eco Enzyme and at the same time encouraging them to make and use Eco Enzyme. How useful of their kitchen waste could be reused as a cleanser product to use in daily usage. 

Last year I started to challenge myself to guide 8 street food stalls around my neighbourhood about garbage waste and learning how to reduce and reuse the garbage waste. The challenging part was getting to know them. My introduction was just asking them for their fruit peels and vegetable chunks in exchange for eco friendly soap for them to use in their kitchen. It took a few months, but we finally became friends. I am very glad to know that there are some people who understand the importance of reducing and reusing garbage. 

Why am I doing this? I believe that what is done will be reflected towards oneself. I believe that the actions of a person defines the actions done to them. I believe that good karma towards oneself would forge good karma towards oneself.

Participating as a Buddhist in the organization doesn’t only develop Buddhism. By participating as a volunteer, as a member of the Buddhist community, one must be prepared to be humble and not asked for a praise or a reward. I must work even harder than before. Whatever I do, as long as I have the Buddha’s blessing, will be alright. It’s time to serve the community, starting from small contributions from home, to a better world enriched with the inhabitants who cherish it.

Together with  my community it really encourages me and make me feel that i can contribute to my country.  I believe by doing this, I can motivate people in the same time, motivate myself. Everyone can be a change maker and this time, is my time to live to become one.  I am very to proud to participate and play a role in making the world a better place.