Curated Story
King Queen of Spain Fellows
Fonte: Ashoka

Meet the young people invited to speak with the Spanish royal family

This article originally appeared on Medium

When Alejandra Acosta began to raise awareness about human trafficking in Spain at age 18, she never would have guessed that five years later, she would be discussing modern slavery with the queen of Spain—who, as it turns out, is also passionate and informed on the subject.

Along with a group of Ashoka Fellows, Alejandra, Eduardo Fierro, and Guzmán Fernandez, three changemakers in their twenties, visited the Spanish royal family to share their stories and communicate the critical role of young people to shape a better future. The royal family has “power of influence,” Alejandra says, “[to share] ideas with the different stakeholders.”

We caught up with them after their royal visit to learn more about their own stories. Meet three young leaders using influence for good in Spain.

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Ashoka insight

Eduardo realized that social connections, especially intergenerational ones, are a valuable form of currency. As a young professional, Eduuardo co-founded Kuvu, an organization that offers a home-sharing program that unites young people and older adults to live together through mid-term rental agreements. Older adults benefit from more social interaction and additional income, while young adults benefit from affordable housing and often transformative living experiences.

By exposing people to diverse views, storytelling, Guzmán believes, is crucial for creating solutions for the good of all.