Nasi partnerzy w Polsce
Tylko dzięki wsparciu naszych partnerów jesteśmy w stanie rozwijać i promować działania członków Ashoki. Nasi partnerzy wspierają nas zarówno finansowo, jak i dzieląc się wiedzą, infrastrukturą, dzieląc się siecią kontaktów biznesowych i medialnych.
Schneider Electric Foundation
Schneider Electric is a company offering electrical solutions and energy efficiency services, which puts ethics and responsibility at the center of its interactions with the community it works in. In 1998 it founded the Schneider Electric Foundation, which has as its primary commitment contributing to the development of people and societies through education, innovation, awareness and vocational training on energy related professions.
In 2016, Schneider Electric launched, in partnership with Ashoka a program to fight energy poverty, consisting of a challenge for social innovation projects addressing this issue, followed by a 3 months’ capacity building and acceleration program to scale the winning projects, involving members of the company and the Ashoka network as mentors of the process. Each edition ended with a Social Innovation Conference, on the topic of ending energy poverty, aiming to involve other actors and start up a movement for better and further collaboration and knowledge sharing in this sector.
In the programs’ 2nd edition, 3 portuguese projects benefitted from the financial support and capacity building provided by Schneider collaborators: Coopérnico, Just a Change and CENSE. By the end of the program (replicating Ashoka’s Globalizer Program), the relationships established between the foundation, the company’s staff and projects’ remained active. Today, Schneider Electric is still actively supporting these projects.
Schneider Electric Foundation
Schneider Electric is a company offering electrical solutions and energy efficiency services, which puts ethics and responsibility at the center of its interactions with the community it works in. In 1998 it founded the Schneider Electric Foundation, which has as its primary commitment contributing to the development of people and societies through education, innovation, awareness and vocational training on energy related professions.
In 2016, Schneider Electric launched, in partnership with Ashoka a program to fight energy poverty, consisting of a challenge for social innovation projects addressing this issue, followed by a 3 months’ capacity building and acceleration program to scale the winning projects, involving members of the company and the Ashoka network as mentors of the process. Each edition ended with a Social Innovation Conference, on the topic of ending energy poverty, aiming to involve other actors and start up a movement for better and further collaboration and knowledge sharing in this sector.
In the programs’ 2nd edition, 3 portuguese projects benefitted from the financial support and capacity building provided by Schneider collaborators: Coopérnico, Just a Change and CENSE. By the end of the program (replicating Ashoka’s Globalizer Program), the relationships established between the foundation, the company’s staff and projects’ remained active. Today, Schneider Electric is still actively supporting these projects.
Deloitte provides accounting services to Ashoka including Payroll services, Tax administration, Yearly book closing and Audit support.
Magovox to spółka powołana do życia przez Małgorzatę Rutkowską, która przekazała swoje prywatne środki finansowe na realizację inicjatyw rozwiązujących różne problemy społeczne. Magovox to jej głos. Celem Magovoxu jest wspieranie i finansowanie ciekawych inicjatyw w trzech obszarach: sprawczość kobiet i podejmowanie przez nie działania, budowanie relacji między rodzicami i dziećmi, budowanie społeczeństwa obywatelskiego.
Magovox to spółka powołana do życia przez Małgorzatę Rutkowską, która przekazała swoje prywatne środki finansowe na realizację inicjatyw rozwiązujących różne problemy społeczne. Magovox to jej głos. Celem Magovoxu jest wspieranie i finansowanie ciekawych inicjatyw w trzech obszarach: sprawczość kobiet i podejmowanie przez nie działania, budowanie relacji między rodzicami i dziećmi, budowanie społeczeństwa obywatelskiego.
Citi Foundation
The Citi Foundation works to promote economic progress and improve the lives of people in low-income communities around the world. We invest in efforts that increase financial inclusion, catalyze job opportunities for youth, and reimagine approaches to building economically vibrant communities. The Citi Foundation's "More than Philanthropy" approach leverages the enormous expertise of Citi and its people to fulfill our mission and drive thought leadership and innovation.
Citi Foundation
The Citi Foundation works to promote economic progress and improve the lives of people in low-income communities around the world. We invest in efforts that increase financial inclusion, catalyze job opportunities for youth, and reimagine approaches to building economically vibrant communities. The Citi Foundation's "More than Philanthropy" approach leverages the enormous expertise of Citi and its people to fulfill our mission and drive thought leadership and innovation.
Fundacja Kronenberga
Since 1996 the Kronenberg Foundation has supported its founder, Citi Handlowy, in pursuing its community mission.Fundacja Kronenberga przy Citi Handlowy powstała w 125. rocznicę otwarcia Banku Handlowego w Warszawie S.A. Za jej pośrednictwem Citi Handlowy realizuje największe w kraju ogólnopolskie i lokalne programy będące wyrazem społecznej odpowiedzialności Banku. Fundacja wspiera działania na rzecz dobra publicznego w zakresie edukacji i rozwoju lokalnego.
Fundacja Kronenberga
Since 1996 the Kronenberg Foundation has supported its founder, Citi Handlowy, in pursuing its community mission.Fundacja Kronenberga przy Citi Handlowy powstała w 125. rocznicę otwarcia Banku Handlowego w Warszawie S.A. Za jej pośrednictwem Citi Handlowy realizuje największe w kraju ogólnopolskie i lokalne programy będące wyrazem społecznej odpowiedzialności Banku. Fundacja wspiera działania na rzecz dobra publicznego w zakresie edukacji i rozwoju lokalnego.