Ashok Khosla
Ashoka Fellow depuis 2009   |   India

Ashok Khosla

Development Alternatives Group
Ashok Khosla’s Development Alternatives Group innovates sophisticated technology, creates delivery mechanisms for widespread scale and equips local entrepreneurs in India to manage small enterprises.…
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This description of Ashok Khosla's work was prepared when Ashok Khosla was elected to the Ashoka Fellowship in 2009.


Ashok Khosla’s Development Alternatives Group innovates sophisticated technology, creates delivery mechanisms for widespread scale and equips local entrepreneurs in India to manage small enterprises. Ashok has pioneered a commercially viable model to integrate social development, economic development and environmental preservation in the citizen sector. Development Alternatives today is one of the premier development institutions in the developing world. They have conceived, manufactured, and introduced more than 15 new commercially viable and environmentally sound technologies to the Indian market that have transformed productivity and income in rural populations. Ashok employs a franchise model to deliver these technologies, further accelerating the pace of wide-scale spread and adoption.

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