After a rigorous selection process, Ashoka Fellows are introduced to a life-long fellowship, where every member is committed to championing new patterns of social good. We encourage Ashoka Fellows to take ownership of the network and we partner with them to co-create Ashoka’s vision of an Everyone a Changemaker world.

We understand the individual needs of social entrepreneurs vary depending on the stage of their work. Once selected, each Ashoka Fellow embarks on a tailored timeline of investments and support over their lifetime. We make sure that the Ashoka brand, the engagements we curate and facilitate, and the connections we open are valuable to each Fellow. We invite Fellows to make the most of the network through interactions that will increase their chances for deepening their social impact.

Some of the Support Fellows will enjoy include:


A Global Network

Ashoka's Network includes over 3,600 Ashoka Fellows, as well as hundreds of Changemaker Institutions, Partners and Young Changemakers. Collectively, they support the emergence of a world where each person can become a Changemaker.


A Life-long Fellowship

Thanks to mentors and courses, among others, the Fellowship reinforces the capacity of Fellows to develop their impact to change the world throughout their life.


Increased Visibility

The Ashoka Fellowship being one of the first and most prestigious network of social entrepreneurs in the world, upon joining it, Fellows gain credibility and acknowledgment from peers and relevant institutions.

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Financial Support

A tailored stipend for up to three years, if needed, is offered to the Fellow, so that they are able to dedicate themselves full time to the advancement of their idea.

Collective Impact For Systems Change


Discover how we ignite collaborations and collective impact around Europe´s most pressing challenges: Biodiversity, Democracy, Anti-corruption, the impacts of COVID-19 and more.

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Changemakers United

Ashoka's Changemakers United (CMU) initiative is sourcing, disseminating, supporting, connecting and scaling solutions of innovative social entrepreneurs to the challenges Covid-19 presents to the world. We do so by leveraging Ashoka’s global network of social innovators as well as the partners networks, workforce and communities they are a part of.

next now Logo. Black background. NEXT NOW in white letters in the middle of the photo, where the N is written in cursive with an arrow at the end of the n. Underneath is a line that says "Powered by Ashoka" in smaller lettering with the Ashoka tree logo, all in white.

Next Now

In pockets across the globe, humans are pioneering and implementing real-life solutions — answers to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Powered by Ashoka, Next Now identifies, supports and lifts up these examples, and the changemakers behind them.


Europe Fellowship

European Fellowship

The Europe Fellowship Programe is a co-creative and co-learning community that empowers and connects change leaders and key players of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Europe, who aim for co-creative systems change, and advance social entrepreneurship and changemaking for the good of all across the continent.