Network Search

Title Type Country Focus of work Election Year Organization
Tatiana Gómez durán Fellow Colombia 2000
Daniel Tawrycky Fellow Chile 2000
Héctor Jorquera Escares Fellow Chile 2000
Alpha Fall Fellow The Gambia 2000
Georgette Koala Fellow Burkina Faso 2000
Fabián Ferraro Fellow Argentina 2000
Juan Padilla Fellow Argentina 2000
Anna Zucchetti Fellow Peru 2000
K.A.V.R Krishnamachari Fellow India 2000
María Elena Ordoñez Legarda Fellow Ecuador 2000
María Elena Foronda Farro Fellow Peru 2000
Oswaldo Granda Páez Fellow Ecuador 2000
Suchitra Sheth Fellow India 2000
Josefina Condori Fellow Peru 2000
Jorge Hurtado Gumucio Fellow Bolivia 2000