لجنة أختيار أقليمية
The Ashoka Fellowship Criteria
A New Idea: Does the candidate have a new solution or approach to a social problem that will change the pattern in the field? We evaluate the idea historically and against its contemporaries in the field, looking for innovation and change potential.
Creativity: Successful social entrepreneurs approach opportunities and obstacles with creativity as visionaries and as problem solvers. They will often have a history of creating other new visions.
Entrepreneurial Quality: Is the candidate driven by the vision of solving the problem he or she is working on? Social entrepreneurs will not rest until their idea is the new pattern for society, and they persevere through challenges at all stages.
Social Impact: Does the candidate’s new idea have the potential to truly alter the field and to trigger nationwide or international impact? The idea must be sufficiently new, compelling, effective, and replicable in order to become the new norm.
Ethical Fiber: Social entrepreneurs inspire radical change at a wide scale and across different stakeholder groups. If the entrepreneur is not trusted, the likelihood of success is low. Every participant in the selection process is assessed for ethical fiber.
أجراءات أختيار زملاء أشوكا
خلال المراحل الخمس لعملية الٌانتخاب في اشوكا نقوم بجمع البيانات والمعلومات عن الزميل من خلال استمارات التقديم والزيارات الميدانية والمقابلات شبه المنظمة. سيتحدث المرشح الزميل إلى ثمانية أشخاص في المتوسط أثناء عملية أنتخابه وسوف يستغرق الأمر من ستة إلى تسعة أشهر في المتوسط ليتم انتخابه في زمالة أشوكا وتتضمن العملية الخطوات التالية.