Curated Story
Jeroo Billimoria 610 x 410
Kaynak: Jeroo Billimoria 610 x 410

Jeroo Billimoria’s Lessons for Systems Change

This article originally appeared on Medium

Ashoka Fellow Jeroo Billimoria is known as scaling wizard — she’s founded and grown international organizations that impact millions of young people (including Child and Youth Finance International, Aflatoun International, and ChildHelpline International.) She’s also a well-known champion of systems change, an approach that mobilizes different groups to collectively imagine and create long-term, sustainable answers to social problems.

On April 28, Jeroo spoke with Ashoka Turkey’s Country Director Zeynep Meydanoğlu in a virtual room of social entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. Here’s what she had to say — on personal purpose, changing systems, and the bold new movement she’s co-leading with social entrepreneurs worldwide.

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