Stories of Change

Be the Change
Source: Be the Change

Stories of Change is Ashoka’s electronic book series. Through these publications we share the stories of the changemakers in the Ashoka community: Fellows, Youth Venturers, staff and partners. People who are producing system change solutions for social problems, inspiring innovation and creating an Everyone A Changemaker world.


Stories of Change: Volume 4


Stories of Change: Volume 4
In Their Own Words: The Young Champions of Maternal Health

Stories of Change: Fellows and Their Journeys


Stories of Change: Fellows and Their Journeys profiles ten Ashoka Fellows from around the world who are mobilizing their communities to create change.

Stories of Change: Youth Making a Difference


Stories of Change: Youth Making a Difference holds interviews with 10 young changemakers from Ashoka's Youth Venture program who are inspiring their communities and their peers to bring about change.


Stories of Change: 20/20 Vision


Stories of Change: 20/20 Vision: Predictions for the Decade asks social entrepreneurs from across the Ashoka community to think ahead to the end of the decade to what they hope or believe the world will look like in 2020, and what they will do this year to move us in that direction.


We hope you enjoy and share these stories. But most importantly, we hope these stories will inspire you to continue creating change in your community.