For universal climate justice.

Story by: Adel Azouni

story mosaic

Tunisia ??

I remember the jasmine revolution in Tunisia as the moment when I started to take an interest in human rights issues, this historic moment was a factor of change that I still believe in. Now, more than 10 years later, I am certain that the human rights and well-being of the Tunisian people are completely linked to environmental issues and climate change especially with daily challenges.

I started to really notice the environmental challenges facing Tunisia, such as water scarcity and drought, and understand how they contribute to economic and social problems in my country.

I work today on all issues related to environmental rights and development also based on human rights and individual freedoms. I did two masters, one in environmental geology and one in environmental law, and I am currently doing a thesis in organic waste management. My passion and my struggles led me to the radio, where I did a radio show named ECO FRIENDLY on Radio Misk   in Tunisia every Sunday on climate and environmental issues with the aim of raising awareness and contributing to a change towards a more eco-responsible attitude. Every episode is dedicated to a different topic, like plastic pollution or environmental education, and features guests that have unique perspectives on those topics.

I believe that we young people are the real world leaders for a better and sustainable world. I am more than ever
engaged in various initiatives for the protection of the environment such as the EARTH'na collective which has drawn up a universal periodic report on environmental rights submitted to the Human Rights Council in March 2022 dealing with the situation of rights in Tunisia while by proposing recommendations to improve legislation with the support of the foundation German friedrish Ebert. And in 2022, I was selected by UNDP Climate among the five young leaders of the Arab world giving us hope in the fight against climate change.

I continue my fight for a greener, sustainable and responsible country, I will soon launch a collective around climate justice in order to help the local population affected by the impacts of climate change and global warming as well as preparing a new artistic project. , a documentary that aims to highlight the different actors who work on environmental and climate issues in the different regions of Tunisia, from the North to the South of the country. I seek through this documentary to popularize and generalize environmental scientific information to the general public by showing the work of the chosen characters. The Earth is our heritage. We only have one and we must protect it for future generations.