Sorgente: YBC

School Type: Public, High School

Age group: 15-18

Number of students: 420

Year Elected: 2015

YBC’s vision is “our students will change the world” and is aiming to be a creative meeting place for a lifelong learning in an ever changing world. The school practices entrepreneurial learning – one of few schools in Sweden doing this –, which is also very rare in public schools. The aim is to have the students lead their own education and focus it to what they are interested in. The architecture of the school is created to build an innovative environment were teamwork and transparency is leading. The center of the school is a plaza – were students and teachers study work and socialize together. Classrooms, the principal’s office, teacher’s office and reception – all equally equipped with glass walls, surround the plaza and are built to promote integration and teamwork. The school became the precursor of the term “the future classroom” in Sweden – and that more schools are following now.

Changemaking Initiatives:

  • The education is arranged around 7 skills: creativity, thinking, self-confidence, communication, responsibility, digital ability and business thinking
  • The school and students arrange for external lecturers for all in the big “plaza” in the middle of the school (e.g. holocaust survivor, peace keeping soldiers from Afghanistan, researchers in terrorism, experts in paradigm shifts and future analysts)
  • StudioN is the schools own editorial office – run by students. They make video interviews and monitor the current happenings in the municipality. 
  • School hosts a mental training course led by the PE-teacher, together with a teacher in Psychology, a teacher inYoga (who is also a philosophy-teacher) and the counselor.