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Todos los socios de Ashoka
Los colaboradores de Ashoka trabajan juntos para invertir en las personas y los patrones de emprendimiento colaborativo que hacen falta en un mundo donde todos somos agentes de cambio (Everyone a Changemaker®).
Plan País is an NGO dedicated to educating and connecting Venezuelan youth abroad. They offer a platform for the exchange of ideas, talent and knowledge.
Plan País organises events that bring together Venezuelans from all over the world to connect them with the current situation in Venezuela. Under the guidance of experts and professionals in different disciplines, they encourage learning through constructive debate in order to build a long-term vision for Venezuela.
Through our events, they aim for our participants to become ambassadors of Venezuela's potential: raising awareness in their communities about Venezuela and fostering high-impact initiatives.
The Venezuelan Diaspora Global Network is a global initiative for the strengthening of the Venezuelan diaspora. They create and promote integration mechanisms that empower and make more effective the efforts of diaspora organisations that have been supporting Venezuelans inside and outside Venezuela.