The Redefining purpose in founding Akadi Group

Story by: Dinah kawino Awino

story mosaic

Kenya ??

Embracing courage to meet myself and others

I thank God for using my life and giving me a greater purpose to step me deeper in courage and wisdom. Being a young scientist, evangelist and mentor is a juggle to balance. However sometimes one takes over the others. I am currently authoring a book called Redefining Brokeness which is where my journey begins. Awino Kawino Dinah is my name, hence I picked out the first two letters in the last two names and first letter in the first name and founded AKADI.

Ever since I started pursuing God's purpose for me, I am bravely challanged to step into  higher places with myself and my brand in mindset, friends, habits, forgiveness, courage, hope, relationships and sacrifices.

As a trained environmentalist (B.Sc; MA Env.) and a certified mentor in practice I am honoured to meet myself as I meet others. When I started My mentorship program officially, I was excited and prayerful to start my journey. I have always offered my skills, talents and gifts through mentorship among youths and teenagers. I have used my weaknesses to share wisdom. 

Being a young mentor in Kenya who mentors teenagers, youths and parents humbles me immensely. I have been redefined to redefine and others. 

When I started the Akadi group it was a tiny thought. Today my initiative progressively grows bigger than me. I am currently a textile circularity expert in training who runs an impactful initiative called Akadi Eco that promotes eco friendly products made from natural fibers to fight climate change. I use this opportunity to mentor young people who are looking to find purpose in their careers. My career supports my faith when I  champion environmental stewardship and promote eco sensitive living that protects people and the planet.

As I envision growth for my organization, God is faithfully walking beside me.