2017 Globalizer Santiago de Chile - Strategy Thought Partners

Teyfik Sahin in a classroom
Source: Gefangene helfen Jugendlichen

Ana Mercedes Botero



Ana Mercedes Botero is the Director of Social Innovation of the Executive Presidency of the CAF, Latin American Development Bank. She joined the CAF as corporate secretary and later led the implementation of a community development office aimed at developing innovative tools for empowerment, capacity building and project management. She served as director of the Corona Foundation in Colombia and worked with the Paralife group in the area of microinsurance. She worked at the United Nations and in the foreign service of Colombia in negotiations on issues of international security and illicit traffic in narcotics.



Bruno Gugelmin

bruno gugelmin


Bruno Gugelmin is a Brazilian biomedical engineer at Duke University in the United States and Master of Science in Materials Engineering and Science at the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil. He has a long track record at Philips, where he joined in 2009 in the heathcare division in Brazil. Since joining Philips, Bruno has taken on a variety of roles in areas such as Lean / Six Sigma, Supply Chain, Manufacturing Operations, Sales, Marketing and Product Management, both at the country level and in Latin America. Today he is a Country Leader for Health Systems in Chile, where he has lived with his wife and son for two years.



Carolina Carrasco



Commercial Engineer from the Catholic University of Valparaiso and graduate in Finance from the Pontificia U. Católica de Chile. In June 2006 she joined the IDB Representation in Chile, as a specialist of the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF). In the MIF she leads the design and monitoring of economic and social development projects in topics such as social innovation, impact investment, entrepreneurship. In addition, in recent years she has focused on various areas related to the economic empowerment of women and women's leadership in the private sector.



Cristián Matetic

Cristian materia

Cristián Matetic is an agricultural engineer at the Catholic University. In 2010 he created Aviasur, a civil aviation services company, where he served as executive director in the beginning, supporting both its installation in the Chilean market and developing new lines of service that could provide a solution to civil aviation needs in Chile. He has also made his own ventures: in 2012 he participated as a capitalist partner of Coiron Inc., a service that offers 3D solutions, virtual reality and augmented reality for the Broadcast industry. The 2015 co-founds VRIDGE, a digital area company that delivers real-time solutions using these same technologies. Both ventures based in California, USA. At the moment he participates as a director in different companies: Aviasur (aviation industry), Carnes Ñubles (meat marketing industry), Matetic Wine Group (Vitivinicola industry) and Patagonia Camp (tourism industry).



Gonzalo Muños

gonzalo munos


Gonzalo Muños is founder and CEO of TriCiclos, the first Certified B Company in South America. National prize for innovation in the environment (AVONNI) 2011; Environmental character of Chile (MMA) 2012; Social entrepreneur from Chile (Schwab Foundation) 2013; World Economic Forum Social entrepreneur of the year 2015; Global Responsible Leader (BMW Foundation) 2016. Ashoka Fellow since 2011. Entrepreneur Endeavor since 2014. Co founder of SistemaB; BLab board member; Co founder and chairman of Viña Polkura's board. After working in the food sector for some years (Gonzalo was General Manager of some traditional agroindustrial companies in Chile and Argentina), he left the corporate life to create TriCiclos and start the path of social entrepreneurship and B corporates.



Hans Eben

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Hans Eben is general manager of Unilever in Chile and president of Global Compact Network. From German grandparents and Chilean parents, Hans was born in Guatemala, spent his childhood in Mexico and his youth in Chile, first in Santiago and then in Valparaíso, where he studied Commercial Engineering at Adolfo Ibáñez University and complemented his studies with a Finance Scholarship in Kellogg and in the Harvard GMP, strengthening his abilities. He graduated and since then, 22 years ago, ha has been working at Unilever, fulfilling different roles in the company and working half of those years between Sao Paulo, London and Lima. In 2015 he was appointed General Manager of Unilever Chile.


Juan Carlos Corvalán

Juan carlos corvalan


Juan Carlos Corvalán is a lawyer at the University of Chile. Professional specialized in corporate institutional management and consumer law, commercial matters and trademark law. Since 2006 he has been responsible for Sodimac Sustainability Management. He currently participates as President of the Sustainability Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago, Director of the Technical Organization for Training of the National Chamber of Commerce of Chile, part of the Mirror Committee of the OECD National Contact Point in Chile and part of the Public Council Of Social Responsibility for Sustainable Development in Chile.



Leonardo Toiberman

Leonardo toiberman


Leonardo Toiberman is an entrepreneur with more than 35 years of experience. Psychologist and expert in background systems analysis, he also studies philosophy and business. He developed projects in different industries and countries. Some of them include the construction of the largest bridge in Peru, the development of the Surveillance System of Puerto Madero Buenos Aires, his own engineering company in the United States, the development of a travel portal in Latam and the foundation of a software development company. His passion is the social field: to create and help others develop and grow their projects and maximise their impact on the community.


Luk Chong Yeung

luk Chong yeung


Luk is Strategy Director for FTI Consulting, a business advisory firm, currently in transition to the CFO position of the FTI Technology Segment. Prior to joining FTI in 2015, Luk worked with McKinsey & Company as an expert in Strategy, where she developed pieces of thinking and technology assets to help organizations create strategies to improve performance, grow, compete and manage uncertainty. Luk has a Ph.D. In Physics (Theoretical Neuroscience) at the University of Brown, and a B.Sc. In Molecular Sciences at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.



​Michelle Boisier

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Michelle Boisier works as a consultant in the company People & Partners, developing the area of Entrepreneurship. In addition, Michelle is working in a new startup, with women living in the poorest sectors of Santiago. It consists of the development of products made from raw materials that use textile waste from the hotel industry. These textiles, instead of going to the dump, are received, transformed and used to weave products with design and added value, contributing to the quality of life, helping to improve the environment and generating more work.



Nicole Forttes

Nicole forttes


Nicole Forttes is the director of Smartlab UDD where she is responsible for creating a space dedicated to understanding and integrating new technologies and digital media to build a better society based on how technology can facilitate information and decision making for intelligent environments. She is a mentor of several programs related to innovation and entrepreneurship in Chile, such as WoomUp and UDD Ventures, besides being a media columnist. She is currently Professor of Digital Participation and Citizen Empowerment in the Faculty of Government of Universidad del Desarrollo. She has been a professor of digital media at the Universidad Las Américas and at Universidad del Desarrollo. Invited professor in the chair of communication companies at Los Andes University and digital media workshop at Diego Portales University. 


Pamela Gidi

Pamela gidi


Bilingual Executive with more than 25 years of experience in international business related to Business Development, Digital, Sales, Marketing, and Communications, occupying high executive positions in USA, Europe and Chile. Her last positions has been as Manager of Digital Development and Multiplatforms for TVN and as Vice President of Marketing for DIRECTV Latin America in charge of its 9 territories. Pamela is a Commercial Engineer at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, an MBA from UCLA. She has also completed postgraduate studies at Duke University, London Business School University of Chile and Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. She has received numerous industry awards including several Effie Awards and was elected Chilean Women Leader in 2014 and 2015, for being among the top 100 women in Chile. She is Chilean and British.


Paula Cardenau

Paula Cardenau


Co-Founder and Director of Njambre, a group of impact companies operating in Argentina and Colombia: Arbusta provides software testing and digital content management services, generating work for young people without work and without university studies; Umana, a platform that enables access to quality health services for low-income people; Teqxac offers technological solutions for urban recuperators; And Njambre Labs, learning from Njambre in the service of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. She worked in Ashoka as Director for the Southern Diamond and Director for Latin American Integration.



Peter Beez

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Peter Beez is an economist for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). He has worked in small businesses as well as the World Economic Forum. His has experience in private-public sector collaboration, private and financial sector development (microfinance), financial and economic evaluationlocal economic development, corporate governance and public finance. He has experience working in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.



Ricardo Solari

ricardo solari


Ricardo Solari is an economist at the University of Chile. He was Undersecretary of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, director of the National Coal Company, director of the State Bank and Minister of Labor and Social Welfare. He is currently President of the Board of National Television of Chile, President of the Foundation of the Solidarity Museum, member of the Board of Directors of the University of Valparaiso and since 2012 director of Santiago Innova.



Robert MaCody Lund

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Robert MaCody Lund has a BA from Brown University in Economics and Development Studies, and an MM from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management. He started his career with Booz Allen and Hamilton in São Paulo, Chicago, Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela. He worked for six years with Kraft Foods in Brazil, where he was Director of Marketing for all food categories. He joined his family business (B2B publishing) in 2000 and helped transform and sell the business in 2007 to Grupo Carvajal in Colombia. He spent 9 years with Carvajal, reinventing the B2B media business in Brazil and Latin America. He is currently involved in education and social initiatives in Brazil.


Roberto Salas


Roberto Salas is an Ecuadorian economist of the Catholic University of Guayaquil. Connected since 1989 to Grupo Nueva, an investment holding currently focused on forestry and wood products, since 2008 he has led the company Masisa both from the chairmanship of the board and from the general corporate management, where he currently stands. Masisa is a multinational company dedicated to the production and commercialization of wood panels for furniture and interior architecture, based in Santiago, Chile. Masisa, under the leadership of Roberto Salas, has received repeated awards as one of the 10 most sustainable companies in Brazil, among the 3 most transparent and active in actions against Climate Change in Chile, as well as other ASG themes and various awards in other countries, like Argentina, for its active participation in the Global Compact. In 2014, Roberto Salas was named the Multilatine of the Year by the América Economía Magazine, a recognition given to executives of Latin American companies that have achieved a successful expansion and internationalization.



Roberto Smeraldi

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Roberto Smeraldi is a journalist, author and cook, founder and vice president of Instituto Atá. For three decades he played a leading role in the development of the Amazon region, directing and articulating local and international projects of innovation and sustainable use of natural capital. At the same time he stood out as a pioneer in the Brazilian and international sustainability agenda. He was a special adviser to the World Bank and appointed by several presidents of Brazil in high-level colleges on climate change, health and development. He developed with Al Gore the Climate Reality project in South America. As a cook, he carries out innovative research on the integral use of animals and plants. He is currently engaged with several local partners in the creation of a Global Center for Gastronomy and Biodiversity in the city of Belém, in the Brazilian Amazon.


Salvador Porta

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Salvador is a Venezuelan Public Accountant and Lawyer. As an entrepreneur in 1985, he founded the first Venezuelan Public Accountants firm that provides accounting services through personal computers. Later it was integrated as a member firm of Arthur Andersen. His company went from two founding partners to 800 professionals. In April 2000 he was appointed Country Managing Partner (CMP), becoming the youngest CMP of the Andersen organization for Latin America. In 2002, he leads the Andersen merger with Deloitte in Venezuela. He is founding partner and CEO of the Santiago Inmobiliairo Fund (FONINSA) in Chile; Founding partner of the Real Estate brokerage network with operations in Colombia and Chile and Director of the Provincial Reinsurance Group. He has been part of the YPO network of entrepreneurs since 2002.



Soledad Ovando Green

soledad ovando green


Soledad Ovando Green is an Industrial Civil Engineer from the University of Chile, Manager of Small Business at BancoEstado. She is currently a member of the microenterprise branch of BancoEstado. She is part of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Productivity. She has developed his professional activity for more than 20 years in the financial industry for small and micro enterprises, always from BancoEstado. She was co-founder and General Manager for more than 18 years of BancoEstado Microempresas.



Virgilio Barco

Virgilio barco


Virgilio joined Acumen as Director for Latin America in September 2013. He is responsible for all investments, operations and business development activities in Latin America. Prior to joining Acumen, he was the executive director of the non-profit organization Banco de Inversión Social, which has helped lead the development of social impact investment in Colombia. He was previously the Founding Director of Invest in Bogotá, a public-private partnership that promotes foreign direct investment to the Greater Bogota region.