The imagery we select is as impactful as the stories we narrate. We chose our photographs, taking great pride in presenting individuals most positively and respectfully. This careful curation shows our commitment to dignity, empathy, and the uplifting representation of communities and individuals.


The Ashoka watermark is employed as a background texture or design element, offering flexibility in adjusting its opacity or size to enhance visual quality as needed.

deliver the story brandbook

Tell the story, serve the story. Photography must do both. Images should be intrinsically interesting enough to pull in the viewer while delivering on a defined strategy, message, and concept.Photos in editorial pieces should intrigue while remaining truthful.

Be resourceful brandbook

The proper technique is whatever the situation demands. Ashoka is far-reaching, interconnected, diverse, and constantly evolving. This mandates flexibility and a range of techniques in how we express our brand to different audiences. Each photo must convey a specific attribute of our personality.

Execute At A High level Brandbook

All photography must be worthy of our world-class organization. We tap different influences to revitalize the brand and deliver the unexpected, making our work approachable and aspirational.

Stock Image Usage

When selecting stock imagery for Ashoka, it’s crucial to choose photos that authentically embody the essence of the brand. Pay close attention to the composition, including the angle, depth, lighting, and overall tone of the image. Avoid daytime images with dull, grey skies or visuals that seem artificial, overly staged, or obviously superimposed. Additionally, it's imperative to secure a signed property and model release for any third-party images to respect copyright laws and fulfill legal obligations. Be aware that not all stock agencies rigorously verify these releases. Therefore, maintaining a record of the image license is vital for ensuring correct usage and adherence to compliance standards.

Permission of Media Usage

  • Always obtain consent before photographing individuals. Respect anyone's decision not to be photographed.

  • Ensure that all subjects in the photograph are comfortable with their involvement and fully consent to the actions depicted in the image.

  • For significant photo shoots, where feasible, secure a signed media release form from each person featured in an image to ensure compliance and respect for personal rights.


Optimal Technical Setup for Photography

  • Utilize a camera boasting a resolution of 40+ Megapixels for high-quality captures.
  • Opt for a mirrorless or DSLR camera equipped with a full-frame sensor to enhance low-light performance and dynamic range.
  • Maintain the lowest feasible ISO levels to minimize noise.
  • Use editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom to digitally remove any debris or blemishes from images.
  • Provide final images in RAW or TIFF formats, embedding IPTC metadata for comprehensive information.
  • When using mobile photography, select the maximum resolution setting to ensure quality.
  • Avoid transmitting images through messaging apps that may reduce file quality; instead, opt for direct file sharing methods.
  • Supply images in high resolution for superior quality output, especially recommended at 300 dpi for printing at any scale.
  • Scale images appropriately for large outputs, like A2 size, to maintain quality.

Completing IPTC Caption Guide

  • Specify the precise location where the image was taken, including the area, city, and country.
  • If relevant, mention the project or initiative associated with the image.
  • Identify all individuals in the photo from left to right by their names.
  • Include the job title or role of the individuals photographed.
  • Provide a succinct description of the scene to offer context and convey the story behind the image.
  • Document the number of model releases obtained, corresponding to each person featured.
  • Record the date when the photo shoot took place.
  • Credit the photographer by name.
  • Insert copyright information to protect intellectual property rights.