Vincent Lagacé
Ashoka Fellow since 2019   |   Mexico

Vincent Lagacé

Vincent improves the livelihoods of smallholder producers by involving them, the organizations that serve them, and the corporations that buy their produce in a common effort to design better, fairer…
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This description of Vincent Lagacé's work was prepared when Vincent Lagacé was elected to the Ashoka Fellowship in 2019.


Vincent improves the livelihoods of smallholder producers by involving them, the organizations that serve them, and the corporations that buy their produce in a common effort to design better, fairer value chains.

The New Idea

Vincent wants to transform Mexico’s systems for producing and distributing agricultural products in order to increase market access for farmers and improve efficiencies for large buyers. Central to his idea is a troubleshooting model that gives the many actors in a particular value chain a newRead more

The Problem

Mexico’s current agricultural system faces dire challenges and risks. Nationwide, 17 million people live in poverty in rural areas. The majority depend upon small-scale agriculture for their food and economic subsistence. Of the 4 million farmers in Mexico, 68% work less than 5 hectares of land,Read more

The Strategy

Nuup has embraced a key opportunity to feed the rising need for domestic sourcing and closer connection among actors in the agricultural sector. Guided by the organizing principles of building trust and serving as a neutral convener, Nuup facilitates information flows and promotes collaborationsRead more

The Person

Canadian-born, Vincent was exposed to a diversity of cultures early in life, as his father frequently moved the family abroad due to his work in the development sector. As a young child, he lived in Senegal, where he experienced a society facing deeply rooted social inequalities firsthand. TheseRead more

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