Helping Poor Communities Have a Say in Their Own Development
The New Idea
To provide technical and legal assistance to poor communities which will (1) educate them about the potential effects upon their lives of development projects and (2) help them secure basic necessities such as housing, sanitation systems, etc. for themselves without depending upon limited, often flawed, government programs
The Problem
Development projects approved or supervised by the Brazilian government often have negative consequences for poor communities. For example, dam-building projects can result in the displacement of thousands or the destruction of fishing-based economies; urban development schemes are frequently… Read more
The Strategy
In 1985 Geraldo and two friends founded ARRUAR (Assessoria de Ubanizacao Popular), an organization composed of trained professionals devoted to providing architectural and legal services to people in poor communities. ARRUAR's mission is (1) to help urban slum dwellers understand development and… Read more
The Person
Geraldo is a twenty-eight year old architect who graduated from the Federal University of Pernambuco. He left a government job in 1985 to found ARRUAR and devote himself to serving Brazil's poor communities.