• We envision a world in which everyone is a changemaker

About Ashoka Turkey

We live in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex world. The inability of individuals and institutions to keep up with these rapid changes leads to complex problems such as inequality, injustice and climate crisis that affect individuals and societies. 

As Ashoka Turkey, we confront these problems with the vision of creating a world where everyone has the skills and values necessary for the good of all.

To realize this dream, we bring together, support and mobilize actors who have an impact on people's ability to changemaking. Thus, we ensure that changemaking is internalized and disseminated as a value.

Our work

Ashoka turkiye yeni stratejik plan

Ashoka Turkey has a new strategic plan

We have released our five-year strategic plan for a world where everyone is a Changemaker. In the comprehensive file below, you can find details about our strategic priorities, goal areas and activity plan.

Tap to access our strategic plan.

ashoka turkey fellow retreat 2023

Ashoka Fellowship Program

Social entrepreneurs are pioneers of social change. Every year, Ashoka Turkey selects social entrepreneurs with a systems change mindset and announces them as Ashoka Fellows. We enable them to grow their impact with our financial, pro bono and community support.

In Turkey, there are more than 30 Ashoka Fellows who are trying to solve social problems in different fields from agriculture to media, education to economy with a system transformation approach.

Ashoka Turkey Team