A Transformative Partnership. 10 years & 10 principles for effective collaboration between business and civil society

MMH LAC report cover
Source: Ashoka

The Learning and Action Center in collaboration with the Making More Health (MMH) team took stock of the past 10 years of partnership between Ashoka and Boehringer Ingelheim in the field of global health.

After in-depth conversations with various stakeholders involved in MMH at different stages and in different roles worldwide (Ashoka and Boehringer Ingelheim staff, Fellows, NGOs, local social entrepreneurs, etc.), we have identified 10 main principles for effective collaboration between corporates and nonprofit organizations. All these principles are accompanied by stories, testimonies, and case studies from the work within MMH including tips and challenges on co-creation implementation.

Our hope is that these insights can serve not only MMH and its stakeholders, but also a wide variety of other businesses and civil society organizations that work on building powerful partnerships.

You can have a look at the insights from the 2021 report "A Transformative Partnership. 10 years & 10 principles for effective collaboration between business and civil society" here: