Richelle Andalón’s Story

The spark that lights up equality in science.”
Richelle Joven que Inspira

Richelle, a young girl from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, began her journey as changemaker at the age of 10, when her elementary school teacher recognized her for her talent in science and mathematics, and later invited her to competitions in these fields. As she immersed herself in state and national competitions, she noticed the lack of female participation and began to question gender equality in these disciplines.

Richelle Joven que Inspira

Raised in a home where her mother encouraged equity, involving her and her brother equally in household chores, Richelle was surprised by the disparaging comments of her peers, who underestimated her and claimed that she would not be able to pursue what she was passionate about. This discrepancy prompted her to look for ways to balance the situation.

This is how, from a spark ignited by injustice, a year later she took the initiative to teach mathematics classes for girls, boys, and people in need. She was motivated mainly by the idea that teaching not only involves imparting knowledge, but also making others understand it effectively. Thus, she sought the support of the Secretary of Education of Jalisco, who supported and guided her during the development of her project with the Recrea Talento initiative, providing her with the methodology of a rigorous, orderly, and well-planned system. With the help, especially of her mother, they set up an area in the family business that became an improvised but cozy classroom, a true sanctuary for learning. Her mother not only provided the space, but also supported her in promoting her classes among clients, becoming a great ally for the project.

Richelle Joven que Inspira

Currently in high school, Richelle is attending The American School Foundation of Guadalajara, thanks to a full scholarship she earned in 2022 through her outstanding participation in the Recrea program. This accomplishment, one of the most important in her life, has allowed her to spread the message that nothing is impossible and that, with enough hard work, everyone can achieve their goals. It is at this institution that Richelle is the captain of the robotics club. Under her leadership, the team managed to qualify and compete for the first time in the 2024 world competition, a milestone that further inspired her to motivate others on a larger scale.

She has stood out as the only woman in the robotics group, understanding the level of dedication and commitment that this area demands, and facing the daily challenge of awakening the interest of her teammates to, in addition to building robots, develop projects of social impact. Part of the team has shown commitment because they have gone through similar experiences.

In Richelle's words, empathy is a value that is forged from experience, something that teenagers are just beginning to acquire. Richelle has been able to share a vision for fostering collaboration and social impact among her teams.

Our protagonist has recognized the demand and responsibility of science. Richelle continues to provide mentorship through educational proposals in other schools in her city to implement more robotics programs. Despite the challenges, such as the pandemic period, paradigms, and older people's doubts about her ability as a young person, she has learned to trust herself, negotiate, and prove her worth with tangible results.

Richelle Joven que Inspira

Through integration and teamwork, she has learned that leadership is shared and fundamental to success towards a common goal, as she firmly believes that at some point, the people she has taught will surpass her and pass on their knowledge to others.

Her biggest dream is to study abroad. Benefiting and giving back to her country motivates her to pursue an education in physics or engineering. Her goal is to use her skills and perspectives to contribute to social change and ameliorate issues that affect both her community and others across the country and around the world.

For Richelle, reaching a new level of global empathy is critical. While she desires a good life for herself, she would not be able to fully enjoy it if she does not equally ensure it for the people around her and for future generations. With her heart full of hope and her mindset determined, Richelle forges ahead, ready to transform her surroundings and sow the seeds of a more just and equitable future.

Story written by Sara Cevallos, Youth Agent of Change of the program Formar para Transformar.