Federal Government opens its eyes to social innovation in the citizen sector

Teyfik Sahin in a classroom
Source: Gefangene helfen Jugendlichen

Yesterday at a press conference honoring Congresswoman Betty McCollum a legislative act was introduced that could shift the way government interacts with and supports social innovations.

The Nonprofit Sector and Community Solutions Act in the House will challenge the Federal Government to support the vital sector of the economy that is employing one of ten individuals and delivering critical human, social education and cultural services to Americans (and to the world). Notorious sector divisions are addressed with this new bill, articulating that innovation in the social sector is as important as it is in the business world, and government, business and social can be  mutually supportive.

"As powerful and productive as nonprofit organizations are, their needs are not being addressed by Congress or the Administration. That must change," said McCollum. "This legislation is the beginning of a new, positive conversation about the nonprofit sector in Washington and across the country. If Congress can work with leaders in the nonprofit and foundation communities we can build a stronger nonprofit sector, craft smarter federal policy, and create more vibrant communities in every state."

Leaders in the field, such as the America Forward Coalition will partner with McCullum to move the bill forward.  Members of the America Forward Coalition include stellar Ashoka Fellows like Marc Freedman, Earl Phalen, Rebecca Onie and many more. 

McCullum’s press release from yesterday is here.

This marks an important movement that social entrepreneurs embody:  a cross-sector, collaborative approach to solving social problems.