Education, social entrepreneurship and gender equity

Story by: Aida Sanchez Ross

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United States of America ??

three moments that allow me to do, but above all to be what I am at this moment. 

The first moment was at school, the place where I also began to explore the different ways people are, all different, some more talkative, who seemed more self-confident, some funny, others more shy and introverted, among which I felt I was, the only hope to be able to speak as if I was given the opportunity or motivated to do, something that very rarely happened, happened that always gave priority to who spoke more. luckily I continued studying and questioning myself about formal education, why does it have to be boring and competitive? I'm not saying that in all cases it is so, but in mine, it was so. I felt that education provided knowledge, but it was missing something else, I was missing that self-knowledge, that motivation, that something that allows me to know what we can do with that knowledge, like this, it can integrate us more as a group, instead of becoming competitive. I left very confused, I did not know what I wanted to study, but I know that I wanted to do something different and make a difference and after tests, a lot of reflection, and changes in careers, I decided on Psychology, I wanted to be able to make a difference, supporting any unmotivated child or young person by his teacher.

The second situation was already a year before finishing University, I got pregnant, what news! Something that I wanted to happen, after finishing University, traveling the world, working, getting a master's degree, getting married, and yes, having a child of course, but after my goals.  I accepted my new responsibility with great fear, and much more because I never had the support of my daughter's father, who after 5 years of dating, simply disappeared.

It was a world of challenges, as a young, single mother, and not having work experience, but Thanks to all that experience that I had to live, it made me even stronger to find meaning, I finished my studies, started my volunteer work with women and young people on the subject of empowerment, leadership, interculturality, this allowed me to acquire more knowledge, motivation, the desire to integrate these aspects into education, I wanted to be a different educator from the one I carried in my memory. 

Until life led me to another situation, moving to another country in 2018, I would have loved to have migrated for a scholarship or exchange, but what took me away was the fact of visiting my family that migrated many years ago before me, on that last visit, my daughter felt motivated to live that experience in another country, plus the motivation of being close to my family and participate in the group of volunteers in a program against domestic violence where I have to listen to stories that you cannot believe until you live it, that is how I have to live the experience of working and living the injustices as a migrant. it is that I decided to undertake, with a purpose: To be a different enterprise together with a team, where people are first, and we can give women who are socially disadvantaged the opportunity to share their wisdom.

And this is how Education, work for women, and social entrepreneurship came together my way after these three moments, to make a difference, at the service of others, where they can have the opportunity to confidently raise their hand to express what they feel and feel confident that they have a community behind them.