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What are the IMPACT programs ?
The IMPACT programs aim at identifying socially innovative organizations with strong changemaking potential in a specific field or region, to professionalize them help them to grow and spread their impact.
Hence, they contribute to structuring social entrepreneurship through 3 targets:
Drive the development of socially innovating organizations
Professionalize those with the highest potential
Create synergies and build bridges outside of the social entrepreneurship sphere, especially with the private sector to scale-up change
This program was conducted in Switzerland from 2012 to 2014 to support early stage entrepreneurs. Following a call of projects, 8-12 project bearers were selected over a three-year period to benefit from a six-month tailored coaching including seminars and trainings to develop their social business plan. At the end of the programme, the most promising projects were granted an award by a jury.
"The IMPACT Program is a unique place to meet and exchange ideas with great people who shares the same values as me." - Impact Laureate