Venezuelans in Tech- Leadership and Impact Program


Ashoka believes in the power of the Venezuelan diaspora to leverage social impact in their new home countries, back in Venezuela, and in the tech industry. For this reason, we developed a unique Leadership & Impact Program that offers tools for professional and personal growth, while supporting social entrepreneurship in Venezuela.




For this program, we will work with a group of 9 individuals who are members of the Venezuelan diaspora working in the tech industry and committed to the following objectives:

  1. Leveraging social impact in Venezuela by funding one new social entrepreneur in Venezuela in partnership with Ashoka

  2. Developing leadership and change-making skills together with other members of the Venezuelan diaspora working in tech Ashoka has created a global network of 4000 social entrepreneurs, of which 25+ are located in Venezuela.  

The programs will unlock opportunities for individuals to connect with Ashoka's Venezuelan leading social entrepreneurs, as well as expand their connections with the Venezuelan community within the tech industry. Also, working with Ashoka will unleash participants' transformational identity, creating a ripple effect in other communities and institutions they are a part of.

By engaging in a series of activities, learning opportunities, and real-life social innovations, they activate their change-making identity and pursue their roles as agents of change in their industries and in their communities.

Our Engagement Journey has 2 phases: DEVELOP and ACT.



change mindset


1 professional development short course + online learning circles

To expose participants to cases of success in social intrapreneurship and social entrepreneurship, to inspire them to advance social practices in their professional and personal circles. To leverage participants’ change-making identity and sense of purpose

Solutions icon


Build 1 personal impact plan and co-creation with a leading social entrepreneur

To turn theory into practice by offering a range of opportunities for participants to engage with Ashoka and Ashoka’s network of leading social entrepreneurs – from capacity building to coaching to financial funding. At the end of this 2-phase journey, participants will have committed to at least one impact project, designed with the support of the Ashoka teams


Click on the profiles below to find out more about our participants!


Onboarding Session

September 21, 2023

Learning Circle 1

October 19, 2023

The Future of Business Course

October 23- December 1, 2023

Learning Circle 2

November 28, 2023

Co-creation session 1

January 8-19, 2024

Co-creation session 2

January 22-February 2, 2024

Co-creation session 3

February 5-23, 2024

Co-creation session 4

February 26- March 8, 2024

Co-creation session 5

March 11-22, 2024

Presentation of results and celebrations!

March 27-29, 2024