Due to the fact that all efforts and attention coming from public authorities (both local and central) and from the private sector are steered towards the medical risk (donations to hospitals or to NGOs fundraising exclusively for hospitals), the part of civil society that addresses the social services needs of vulnerable groups (children and families in poverty, new poor families, homeless people, patients with rare diseases, LGBTQ+ community, people with HIV/AIDS, etc.) is left without any support both in continuing their activity and in making a smooth transition towards digital interventions. The United Nations Organization has already reported this trend at global level. 

Romania and Moldova are among the countries hit hardest by COVID-19 in Central and Eastern Europe. In this context, our entire societies are seeing their important pillars shaken up: from an economic perspective, social, cultural and environmental perspectives. Ashoka Romania, with the support of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, aims to support the Romanian and Moldovan civil society in these difficult times to: 

  • Address the challenge of the technical shift towards online 

  • Create new fundraising strategies 

  • Address the current communication needs  

  • Support the organization well-being  

  • Build a new cross-sectorial alliance that can act as support community (comprising of civic leaders, journalists, business people, public authorities and Ashoka Fellows). 

We want to pilot an integrated capacity building program for 30 Civil Society Organizations (CSO) out of which 20 working in Romania and 10 working in Moldova.  

The participants will have access to online tools, digital communication skills, fundraising courses, tailored coaching, working/learning sessions with business leaders, journalists, and Ashoka Fellows. 

Eligibility Criteria 

  1. Being a Civil Society Organization established in Romania or Moldova, with an impact in the same countries. 

  1. The organization clearly support vulnerable communities and subjects became vulnerable because of the current crisis 

  1. The organization’s representative in this program has good fluency of English 

Selection Criteria 

  1. Needs expressed in the application form 

  1. We aim to assure that the cohort of organizations selected has the right mix of representation for different vulnerable communities 

  1. We will evaluate the impact made by the applicant in the past and the potential impact aimed for the present and future. So, we encourage newly created organization to apply as well. 

Who are the 30 organizations? 

  • Asociația Obștească Ecologie pentru Sănătate
  • Policy center for Roma and Minorities
  • ADDPC - Asociatia din drag si dor pentru comunitate
  • Asociația de Voluntariat Internațional din Moldova
  • Fundatia Te Aud Romania
  • Fundatia FARA
  • Fundația pentru Copii Pestalozzi din Moldova
  • Association Women for the Contemporary Society, Moldova
  • AO Centrul de Justiție Socială ECHITATE
  • "AO ,,CASMED ""
  • (Asociatia Obsteasca Centrul de Asistenta Socio-Medicala la Domiciliu ,,CASMED"") "
  • Asociația Obștească "Eco-Răzeni"
  • Asociatia Bolnavilor de Von Hippel Lindau
  • Asociatia Autism Voice
  • A.O. "Moldius"
  • Fundația Comunitară Oradea
  • Fundatia CMU Regina Maria
  • Asociația ,,MOTIVAȚIE” din Moldova
  • ARAS - Asociația Română Anti-SIDA
  • Asociația Rădăuțiul Civic
  • Asociatia Auzi Intelegi Traiesti
  • AO Sprijin și speranță
  • Asociația Metodelor Alternative de Integrare Socială
  • Fundația de Abilitare Speranța / UnLoc
  • Identity.Education
  • Asociatia Club Sportiv Climb Again
  • Pentru Voi Foundation
  • Fundatia Inima de Copil
  • AO Cuget
  • Fundatia Dezvoltarea Popoarelor Filiala Cluj


Feel free to ask more information at [email protected]