Elena is a Partner at Ashoka Europe where she is part of the strategic partnerships as well as the management team. She is also the co-director of the Ashoka Carry4Good pledge - a concept pioneered by Ashoka that helps forward-thinking VC and Private Equity funds to become agents of change in social impact. Previously, Elena was the co-director of Ashoka in the UK and Ireland.
Before joining Ashoka Elena worked for the Anglo-german think tank Convoco, convening some of Europe's leading thinkers, politicians and high court judges to engage in interdisciplinary debate. Elena obtained a Masters degree in Philosophy and Public Policy from the London School of Economics where she specialised in the Politics of Climate Change. Before, she studied Business Administration and Management at the Freie Universitaet Berlin. She has a particular interest in human rights, animal welfare, food systems and more broadly a passion for social innovation.