Jean-Michel Ricard
Ashoka Fellow since 2006   |   France

Jean-Michel Ricard

As the elderly live longer lives and make up an increasing percentage of the population in Europe, Jean-Michel is helping them overcome the various physical and psychological ailments that prevent…
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This description of Jean-Michel Ricard's work was prepared when Jean-Michel Ricard was elected to the Ashoka Fellowship in 2006.


As the elderly live longer lives and make up an increasing percentage of the population in Europe, Jean-Michel is helping them overcome the various physical and psychological ailments that prevent them from enjoying their latter years. His program, which emphasizes the importance of prevention,Read more

The New Idea

Jean-Michel is developing a preventive approach to help society confront the demographic and social challenge of life lengthening in the context of an overall aging population. Through SIEL Bleu (Sport, Initiative Et Loisirs) Jean Michel has introduced a new model of elderly care in France thatRead more

The Problem

All around the world—and in Europe in particular—the proportion of people over 60 is growing quickly. In France, 12 million seniors make up 21.3 percent of the population; in 1990 they were only 18.6 percent. According to demographic projections by the year 2050, 29 percent of the FrenchRead more

The Strategy

Jean-Michel Ricard created SIEL Bleu in Strasbourg, in 1997 to develop a range of activities for the elderly. These activities, designed to help improve their general physical and psychological well being also helped break the vicious downward spiral of isolation, dependency and failing health. ItRead more

The Person

Jean Michel’s early inspiration came originally from the family principle of always giving more than one receives and from parents who were involved in volunteer work. It was no surprise when he decided, in parallel with his physical education studies, to work with underprivileged youth. He wantedRead more

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