
Ashoka Young Changemaker
Júlia é uma jovem branca com cabelo escuro, na altura dos ombros. Ela olha para o lado com um sorriso largo.
Elected in 2023

About Júlia

Júlia seeks to democratize scientific research among young students in public schools in Brazil

Passionate about Brazil, Júlia learned about the country and Latin America in school and witnessed many of the problems discussed in class becoming a reality in Salvador, her hometown. She also recognized these challenges as structural and sought to conduct scientific research to delve deeper into these subjects and explore the social sciences, which fascinated her. However, this field was undervalued in her school.

To change this reality, she joined two friends to found the Logos Initiative, which aims to strengthen research in social sciences within a context of questioning and mistrust, while also encouraging the agency of students in public schools to develop their critical thinking and research their own realities in order to solve problems that directly affect them. In addition to research programs, where young students conduct research and are mentored by experts, the project also includes ambassadors who facilitate workshops and discussions in public schools to inspire and spark students' interest in the social sciences and scientific research.

The current team consists of five young people aged 16 to 19, who are expanding the group to extend the project to public schools in rural areas of the state. In the Logos Initiative, decision-making processes are horizontal, and the project's design allows many young students to realize their power to create change by engaging as mentees, mentors, or multiplicators. With the intention of making an impact far beyond their initial context, Júlia has always prioritized impacting students in public schools in small towns in the interior, having already reached even distant states such as Pará, Rondônia, and São Paulo. Furthermore, she co-leads the initiative based on three main pillars: valorization of social sciences, student agency, and expanding access to opportunities for students in underprivileged contexts.