A key element highlighted in our Brand Book is the color scheme, which includes detailed information on hex codes, as well as RGB and CMYK values. This section is designed to facilitate the accurate application of our brand colors across all your materials, ensuring consistency and brand integrity in every implementation.

Our Color

color primary brandbook

Primary Color

Ashoka Blue & Ashoka orange are essential for brand recognition, representing the core of Ashoka. Use this color asv the primary choice when creating products.

Secondary Color brandbook

Secondary Color

Secondary colors serve to enhance and complement the primary colors. Among the secondary colors, Ashoka Orange takes precedence and should be prioritized over other colors in its usage and preference.

Tint & Shade Color

Tint & Shade Color

Supported colors and tint/shade colors are particularly advantageous for illustrations or backgrounds as they seamlessly harmonize with both primary and secondary colors to blend effortlessly.

60-30-10 Rule

The 60–30–10 is a straightforward rule for creating well-balanced color palettes around any ASHOKA design. Allocate 60% of the design to Ashoka Blue, the primary color, 30 % for one secondary color, and under 10% for other secondaries and supported colors.

Color Accessibility

In alignment with our commitment to accessibility, all Ashoka microsites and websites aim to adhere to the WCAG 2.0 AA guidelines. This includes maintaining a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for text and images containing text, to ensure that all content is easily readable against its background. We rigorously avoid any design choices that do not meet this essential contrast criterion. For your convenience, we have listed color options that guarantee optimal contrast and visual clarity, specifically chosen to enhance content legibility against various backgrounds. These selected colors are intended for use across all elements, including body text and graphical components, to foster an inclusive and accessible digital environment.

color blindness