Spiritual Changemaking: Feeling our way towards the Logosphere

Story by: Brian Tucker

United States of America ??

Watch video here.

Through my work with my own “Technology for an Ecozoic Era” project (see https://ecozoic.live), I’ve been better able to use technology in my work of nurturing a deeper capacity to listen from various mindsets or perspectives which I’ve identified as:

Big Sky Mindset - Living from the largest context of awareness of an inter-connectedness with the Cosmos.

Community/Eco-System Mindset - the embeddedness we humans experience in the vaster web of relationships with the life community.

Deep Listening Mindset - the interiority, both locality/non-locality and subjectivity within myself and other beings.

Systems transformation Mindset - the action that helps manifest a possible future of life continuing to flourish here on Earth.

Pattern/Continuum – This fifth mindset is about finding the larger themes, motifs, patterns among the landscape of human experience and observation.

These five listening mindsets describe the greater context from which my initiative, “Technology for an Ecozoic Era”, is arising.