Agency of change: a means to convey our faith

Story by: Carlos Andrés Navarro Hidalgo

Mexico ??

Watch video here.

For me, the way to communicate and put my faith into practice has been through the agency of change. Since I allowed myself to tell my own story in the Social Fighter Handbook, I realized that sharing my worldview authentically could inspire others to speak up and do the same with their own story.

This is a way to create a movement of what we had never allowed ourselves to say.

The paths to agency of change may be different, but it all starts with the question: What can I do to make the future better? We find the "hows" along the way through our actions, experiences, people, places, and objects we encounter.

Not asking ourselves this question would be giving up, and that our faith would never allow it. I believe that the first call is thanks to faith and our spirituality, in believing that there is something much greater than ourselves.

By sharing something so personal or individual, but in an authentic way, it can become collective when others give their own interpretation and share their own worldview, or create a third concept.

Allowing ourselves to know each other through how we treat ourselves and others to improve our internal and external relationships, seeing ourselves as a system that also needs to be fixed and healed.

My faith allows me to be more aware of who I am and to intend to share the best of myself in order to replicate the opportunities that life has given me.


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