Q: Is my donation tax deductible?
A: Ashoka is a non-profit organization that is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. You will receive a tax receipt by email upon submission of your donation.
Q: How will my donation be used?
A: Your donation is an unrestricted gift to Ashoka in the United States and supports all of our programming.
Q: What information is kept when I make a donation?
Ashoka respect the privacy of our donors, and does not share or sell Donors’ Personal Data to any other organizations unless a donor has granted us specific permission to do so. You can find more about our Donor Privacy Policy here.
Q: Can I donate to Ashoka through Amazon Smile?
A: Yes! Click here to add Ashoka as your charity of choice for 0.5% of your purchase to be donated to Ashoka’s mission. Remember to use the web link https://smile.amazon.com when you shop!
Q: I am interested in contributing to Ashoka with both my time and money. Can I do this?
A: Absolutely! The Ashoka Support Network is a community of successful business people who share our belief that entrepreneurs are the primary engine for economic and social development. They engage with Ashoka, committing time and resources to support the work of our Fellows and community of changemakers. Contact us if you are interested in joining. ASN membership entails a three-year financial commitment of a minimum of $10,000 yearly.
Ashoka also welcomes leading, high-net-worth founders and CEOs to join our exclusive Entrepreneur-to-Entrepreneur (E2) Network. The E2 Network provides a personalized engagement journey and connects you with like-minded, world-class business leaders and Ashoka Fellows. Maximize the social return on your philanthropic investments and build your legacy of impact with us. Learn more here.
Q: Can I donate stock to Ashoka?
A: Yes! If you are considering a gift of stock to Ashoka, your broker will require this information to complete the transfer:
Our Broker:
Schwab Brokerage
Bank Contact:
Sean Jenkins
VP-Financial Consultant
Tel. 202-818-8014
Email: sean.jenkins@schwab.com and invest@ashoka.org
Check status of transfer with Schwab: (602) 355-9003
DTC #: 0164, CODE 40
Ashoka Account Number: 4409-4200
Ashoka Tax ID #: 51-0255908
Please ensure that you or your broker sends notification to Ashoka—by email to invest@ashoka.org (preferred), phone, fax, or letter—that you have transferred stocks (including the type of stock/fund and number of shares). The transfer slip we receive does not always provide donor identification information, making it difficult to issue the proper receipt. Proper notification will ensure prompt processing of your donation.
Q: How can I stay up to speed with all the latest happenings at Ashoka?
A: We encourage you to check out our blogs on Forbes and Medium, where you’ll find our take on the latest trends in social innovation, and stories about game-changing ideas and innovators tackling key challenges across the United States and around the world.
And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Q: Further Questions?
A: Get in touch! Email us at invest@ashoka.org
You can also donate with a check to:
Ashoka Global Office
1000 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1900
Arlington, VA 22209
United States