Bharath Palavalli
Ashoka Fellow since 2018   |   India

Bharath Palavalli

Fields of View
Bharath is creating tools and methods to allow different stakeholders to discuss, collaborate, disagree and function together on creating relevant and usable policy.
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This description of Bharath Palavalli's work was prepared when Bharath Palavalli was elected to the Ashoka Fellowship in 2018.


Bharath is creating tools and methods to allow different stakeholders to discuss, collaborate, disagree and function together on creating relevant and usable policy.

The New Idea

Bharath believes that to create policies that are relevant to the lives of people affected by them, and responsive to evolving needs, we need an informed dialogue between policymakers, citizens, and other actors, such as academia, industry, and civil society. In order to facilitate informedRead more

The Problem

In India’s diverse democracy, the rhetoric about the government not doing its job is extremely common. The design and implementation of policy does not reflect the needs of all citizens, especially the marginalized and vulnerable communities, and the trade-offs therein – who is served, who is not,Read more

The Strategy

Through his organization, Fields of View, Bharath operates along three strategic lines: a policy lab, school of policy, and the making policy accessible initiative.

Every Fields of View project taken up in the policy lab is done in partnership with either a government or a civil societyRead more

The Person

Bharath was brought up in an environment where failure was considered acceptable and taking risks was appreciated, an important aspect of learning that the Indian education system fails to address. His parents considered learning from failure an important life lesson and gave him a blank slate toRead more

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