illus - accelerate everyone

Accelerating the entrepreneurial ecosystem

After many years of support efforts such as training, financing, and process development, joint efforts are now being made to gather knowledge, resources and networks to accelerate the development of social entrepreneurship and social innovation, and thereby promote sustainable growth.

illus equip everyone

Cross-border collaboration

The project, which has now been started by nine of the leading players in the sector for social entrepreneurship and social innovation, intends to promote collaboration on a broad front to create a sector that can take a clearer place in Sweden's work towards Agenda 2030 and sustainable development.

Existing innovation promoters, as well as private and public actors who want to support entrepreneurs and innovators that create social and environmental sustainability and impact, will be involved in the project to clarify and organize a support a structure that promotes socially beneficial innovation and entrepreneurship at all stages.


What is ahead?

During the first two years of this initiative, the focus will be on:

  • mapping

  • coordinating

  • evolving a support structure, financing solutions and policy proposals

  • developing a long-term strategic partnership

“This is an important initiative to continue strengthening the support structure for social innovation and social entrepreneurship in Sweden. It is important that the sector's actors receive the support they need to increase the possibility of moving from idea to a real solution.”

Sara Hugosson
Handläggare för social innovation at Vinnova
Sara Hugosson Vinnova

“Sweden has a strong commitment to Agenda 2030, but we are still far from achieving the global goals. This collaboration is an opportunity to change the work towards a society where companies, organizations and public actors create solutions to our societal challenges.”

Tove Nordström
Executive Director at SE Forum
Tove Nordström SE Forum

Project Partners

Impact Invest Scandinavia
Picture of two cartoon children outlines (in white) with arms up jumping in a pink background; letters in Pink to the right of the picture saying "Reach for Change" in the same color Pink as the background