Ashoka Fellows are extraordinary changemakers. But we believe that everyone needs to become a changemaker.

To help everyone become a changemaker – a person who sees themselves as capable of creating large-scale, positive change in response to our world's most pressing and complex issues –, we saw the need to make significant changes in the way young people experience education.

Ashoka has identified and brought together 300 of the world’s most innovative schools and recognized them as Changemaker Schools. The network of Changemaker Schools continues to trigger fundamental changes in the educational experience of young people as we continue our youth changemaking work. Each school in Ashoka's Changemaker Schools network serves as a model for what education institutions and districts can do to grow a powerful generation of changemakers at a time when our world needs them most. 

This network of educators and schools align around a shared vision: to empower children and young people to be socially minded leaders, with the connection to purpose that enables them to effectively solve problems and drive positive change. The leadership of these schools is committed to an aligned vision of every child growing as a changemaker and has taken steps in pursuit of it on a curricular, cultura,l and systemic level. 

"If you are deeply convinced that your child is a Changemaker, he or she will become one." 

Ximena Abogabir
Ashoka Fellow since Feb 1995