• Nordic Changemaker Map - Finland

​The map concentrates around 3 areas: the personal journey of the Changemaker, the organisational impact and needs, and the ecosystem level that targets the aspects of the sector.

The map results in a set of public available and digital maps, in addition to an in-depth report with recommendations, trends, and facts around how the social entrepreneurship field can be strengthened. The map has engaged 140 Finnish Changemakers and the data has been collected through in-depth interviews and online forms. 

Moreover, to assure that the mapping has reached to every corner of Finland, we have utilised the so-called Snowball Analysis Methodology. This methodology is a nomination-based approach that enables the map to move beyond silos and describes the sector from a broader network-perspective. 

In the spring of 2021, we have conducted a series of events where Changemakers and relevant ecosystem actors will be discussing, thinking and developing ideas linked to the results of the Finnish Changemaker Map

More people in Finland should identify themselves as the Changemakers that they are. We should help them create the valuable networks they need and build a culture of courage to
take action.

Hannele Laaksolahti
Leading Specialist at Sitra
Hannele Laaksolahti

Finnish Changemaker Map – three highlights

How are the Changemakers linked in Finland? As a result of the questionnaires, we have produced digital maps showing the network of change agents and the main priorities of their solutions. The maps make it easy for different actors to understand what the Finnish ecosystem of Changemakers looks like. We also use the digital maps to strengthen the links between the different actors.

The Finnish Changemaker Map approached more than 250 Changemakers in the form of in-depth interviews and surveys. Based on this data, we have been able to analyze the prevailing trends and possible development paths in the future of social entrepreneurship across Finland. In addition to trends, we also seek to understand the challenges of the ecosystem and formulate recommendations based on them so that different actors can support Changemakers to achieve sustainable development.

This spring, together with Sitra, we are organising a series of discussion events in which we will delve deeper into the results of the map and the recommendations we have made based on them to strengthen the ecosystem. 

​Read more and watch the recordings of our event series "How to become a changemaker?", "Funding social innovations" and "Changemakers Identity" held on March 2, April 14 and May 12 respectively.

Interactive Digital Maps from the Finnish Changemaker Map

Thematic areas and collaboration forms in Finland

Skills among Finnish Changemakers and how they spread Changemaking forward

Enabling and hindering factors & levels of impact among Finnish Changemakers

Measuring tools, reasons for not measuring impact and main income channels

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