We in Hungary who are fighting for the freedom of an Ashoka Fellow Dr. Agnes Gereb, for the right of midwives to assist at homebirths and for the rights of Hungarian mothers' to fulfill their constitutional right to homebirth have been so fortunate to have Ashoka as our ally and friend. From the moment Ashoka's Gabriella Benko responded to our message after Agnes was arrested on October 5th, we have had the full attention and support of your great organization. This has meant that you have publicized the plight of Agnes far and wide, and the support we have received throughout from your international voice has been invaluable to our campaign. In addition you have facilitated a process in which our campaign received a considerable amount of funding which again made a huge difference towards the achievement of our two goals; the release of Dr. Gereb and the implementation of legislation to properly regulate homebirth.
Agnes knows of Ashoka's great support and it is a source of great strength to her, her family, and her supporters to have this backing. Thank you Ashoka and a happy 30th birthday to you, the world is a better place for your presence.
-Donal Kerry
I'm sorry it has taken me until now to recuperate. I've now gathered enough energy to thank you for everything you have done for homebirth in Hungary, for Hungarian families, and for me. It's at times like this that I would really like to know English well enough to be able to express my feelings better. Though it is difficult even in Hungarian. There was a huge energy flowing through the prison walls to me and some of it came from you. I'll do my best to deserve it.
I send my hugs to those of you that I know and also to those whom I don't. If you feel like it, please have a look at this video - it's about a gathering in front of the prison on my birthday. People came to sing to me that day.
Once again: THANK YOU!
-Agnes Gereb