Alexander Guel’s Story

Down to earth.”
Alexander Joven que Inspira

“This is the world of dreamers; some people who study it work at NASA,” says a young girl to her brother, as she shows him galaxies, planets, skies, and mountains on her cell phone. “If you want to be one of them someday, study hard, and you can get into a university that connects you with those who will help you reach the top.”

Every day, social and environmental challenges expand like a supernova, presenting new challenges that arouse the indignation and action of some people. Alexander Guel is a clear example of this.

Born in Nuevo León and raised in an environment where words had transcendental power, Alexander grew up inspired by stories of achievement and aspiration. These words ignited in him the desire to change realities and propelled him on the path to a career as a mathematical physicist, with the goal of also studying economics.

Alexander Joven que Inspira

Over time, his dream of entering college seemed distant, but this only increased his determination to create meaningful change. As he became aware of the severe water shortage through the news, Alexander began to think more about the world at his fingertips. He was driven to take action. A student at CONALEP in Nuevo León, during high school, along with teachers and classmates, he launched the “Drops of Hope” project, his start in social impact involvement. This project consisted of developing a device that could automatically measure, regulate, and control the flow of water in homes, avoiding the waste of liquid and improving its use efficiently.

Alexander Joven que Inspira

“Gotas de Esperanza” was strengthened by the collaborative effort of a group committed to a common goal. This project not only prospered, but also transformed Alexander's academic career, as he soon earned a scholarship to study economics at the Universidad de Monterrey and join the “Formar para Transformar” program within the institution.

Today, “Gotas de Esperanza” is part of INECO, a program that works to reduce poverty in Nuevo León through economic and financial education aimed at high school students and parents. INECO encourages projects that develop skills and generate entrepreneurial opportunities in the community.

Alexander's vision with INECO is clear: to promote social entrepreneurship that directly impacts community building through family economic development and social cohesion in Nuevo León, with an eye on expanding throughout Mexico. Although it is an ambitious goal, Alexander firmly believes in the ability to transform reality without limits.

At present, Alexander fully understands the value of being an agent of change with his feet on the ground

The space race can wait. Our world's problems have waited too long to be solved, and as long as I have the opportunity to contribute to change, I will choose to exchange the Nobel Prize in Physics for a Nobel Peace Prize.”

Story written by María Martina Cano Domingo, UPAEP Young Changemaker.