Preparing Africa’s next generation of tech leaders for success - Victor's Changemaker Journey

Victor Eyo is an industrious digital native from Calabar, the capital of Nigeria's Cross River State. The gifted 20-year-old is an ardent tech enthusiast and digital literacy advocate. His inspiring initiative, Wegodigiteens, works to bridge Africa's growing digital divide, equipping young people across the continent with the vital tech skills to thrive in an increasingly connected world.  

Ashoka Young Changemaker Nigeria


Changemaker Journey  

Like many young Nigerians, Victor understands just how hard it is to strive for success when faced with economic and structural disadvantages. He grew up without the means, opportunities or access to pursue his passions, with these considerable barriers almost proving insurmountable. 

If not for the sheer strength of his perseverance, unwavering commitment and entrepreneurial spirit, Victor might very well have fallen short of his ambitions, his story being another tragic tale of a dream deferred.  

Thankfully, to the delight of the boys and girls he has empowered through his tech-focussed organization, Wegodigiteens, his is a success story of determination and ingenuity: one that continues to motivate and inspire, encouraging the next generation of leaders to turn a new page. 


Victor launched Wegodigiteens to ensure more young Nigerians and Africans are given the opportunity to join Africa's rapidly evolving tech space.  

An edtech organization dedicated to training skilled technology entrepreneurs across the continent, Wegodigiteens designs unique programs and offerings to equip talented teenagers with the tools to unlock the potential of the African digital economy. 

Fully committed to breaking down the barriers blocking underprivileged African youths' paths to success, Wegodigiteens aims to provide over 100,000 budding tech experts access to free e-learning resources. The organization goes above and beyond to serve as a springboard to sustainable success, supporting the growth and development of the next generation of tech start-ups and leaders.  

To this end, Wegodigiteens hosts seminars, workshops and conferences, raising greater awareness of the importance of digital literacy, in addition to upskilling the most marginalized members of society.  

Placing an emphasis on creating equal opportunities for all, Wegodigiteens is especially committed to enfranchizing young people with disabilities. The initiative has curated an extensive range of offerings that cater to young people with a selection of physical, learning and cognitive disabilities; as well as mental health conditions, illnesses, disorders and impairments. They are also currently working on building a Specially Assisted Learning software called the SNAT Software that would work on any device to make digital skill learning and training easily accessible for young people with special needs". 

Crucially, Wegodigiteens e-learning platform Digilearn houses a comprehensive catalog of resources to enable Young Africans to kickstart their tech career and even further it.

Its diverse programs and offerings include: Teen Girls and Tech, SNAT (Special Needs and Tech), Amplify, Digibuddie, My-gee, and the acclaimed Digilearn". Over the years, Wegodigiteens has collaborated with partners, such as We Are Family Foundation and Afterschool Center for Career Development, to transform lives. 

Having launched more than 20 innovative projects, Wegodigiteens has impacted Young people in over 7 African countries including Nigeria, Rwanda, Ghana, Tanzania, and Malawi. 

Everyone a Changemaker World   

Supported by a dynamic team of passionate tech and social activists, Victor believes — wholeheartedly — in harnessing the power of effective collaboration to make a difference in society. “Our success as an organization,” he says, “is built on the strength of our teamwork; ours being a team that operates more like a family.”  

“I ensure that everyone in this team — this family — has a vital role to play. That everyone sees themself as a leader and is part of a project that is changing lives.” 

Empathy is a key quality for all aspiring changemakers. You must be able to relate to the problem you are trying to solve.” - Victor Eyo