George Abraham
Ashoka Fellow since 2001   |   India

George Abraham

SCORE Foundation
George Abraham is helping the visually impaired reach their full potentials. His Vision Enhancement Center provides blind and seeing impaired patients with the counseling, support, and training they…
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This description of George Abraham's work was prepared when George Abraham was elected to the Ashoka Fellowship in 2001.


George Abraham is helping the visually impaired reach their full potentials. His Vision Enhancement Center provides blind and seeing impaired patients with the counseling, support, and training they need to function as independently as possible.

The New Idea

Based on his own experiences and those of hundreds of visually impaired people, George has developed a program whose combination of clinical and non-clinical components will help the seeing impaired stand on their own feet and realize their full potentials. George has designed the VisionRead more

The Problem

In India, where between 13 and 20 million people are blind and another 30 million suffer from low vision, impaired vision is considered a severe and limiting disability. Only twenty-five thousand visually impaired Indians are in the workforce and of those workers, only fifteen hundred to twoRead more

The Strategy

Prior to launching the VEC, George conducted workshops throughout India to explore and analyze the problems visually impaired people face. These workshops were designed to encourage participants to share their experiences, beliefs, and expectations. George realized that, in general, the blind leadRead more

The Person

George's eye problems began with a serious illness at the tender age of nine months. It wasn't until school, however, that his condition turned critical. Rather than send him to a special school to learn Braille, George's mother opted to let her son attend a regular school.This wasRead more

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