My Changemaker Toolkit

Source: mychangemakertoolkit.jpg

Do you imagine making your block friendlier? Do you dream of building better parks and hospitals? Does your heart go out to the new kid in your class? Do you wonder why many things are poorly designed when small tweaks could make them so much better?

Sometimes when we spot a problem, we immediately think “someone else will fix that, it’s their job.” But actually it’s often up to you, to us, to step up with a repair — and, turns out, this is good news. It’s actually where the fun starts!




Spot problems, big and small

Imagine a new way forward that benefits everyone

Try out a solution

Inspire others to own the solution

Help others thrive and adapt in a changing world


If these are skills you have or want, you’re probably already on your changemaker path. We’ve rounded up principles, new ways of thinking, tips and tricks that will help you on your onward journey.

To discover your Changemaker Toolkit click here.