To flash out a more longterm perspective - interview with Dániel Szokolics, Hiflylabs

Impact Academy Hungary Group Work
Source: Ashoka Hungary

Impact Academy, a program implemented in partnership with Ashoka Hungary, helps to measure the impact of social organizations.

Previous years' Impact Academy program were attended by several corporate partners on a pro bono basis. Dániel Szokolics, a data analyst at Hiflylabs, helped the teams as mentor in two semesters of the Impact Academy: although he now analyzes the data elsewhere, he shared his experience of the program at the time, the importance of his specific field of measurement in impact organizations.


Szokolics Daniel Hiflylabs Impact Academy Hungary Pro Bono
 Dániel Szokolics

How did you get into the Impact Academy program and how did the project you participated in go?

Hiflylabs delegated me to work with Impact Academy, I represented the company for the first two semesters. We were the “most IT” of the pro bono partners, those who understood the meaning of "data" the most.

In both seasons, I took part in introductory rounds and gave a presentation on how teams shall collect data. When they developed their impact measurement plan, the indicators that interest them in measuring their own social impact, we helped them building up an IT system to collect and process data and to make it transparent.

Hiflylabs' business partners are mainly large companies (banks, multi-companies) with a lot of data. I gave a lecture on how the kind of operation and the technologies we use can be used as well by smaller NGOs to measure their own impact.

Read the FULL ARTICLE (available in Hungarian).