Crash course on changemaking - Ashoka Hungary at AIESEC Youth Speak Forum

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Source: AIESEC Hungary


We had the chance to facilitate a workshopo at the AIESEC Youth Speak Forum on 8th June 2021.

Ashoka Hungary facilitated a workshop at AIESEC Youth Speak Forum, titled How to make the world a better place for everyone - crash course on changemaking. With approx. 100 participants of the event first we clarified what Ashoka is doing, what a cause is and who a changemaker is, then worked together to find out our superpower and the cause each one of us are living for.


Spark inspiration & show examples

In the first part of the owrkshop we wanted to  spark inspiration & show examples. A short presentation was given about Ashoka changemakers and what Ashoka is doing. The aim of the workshop for students is to show them that change can happen at different levels and formats (local-global, environment-society, individually - community etc...). 

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Find your cause & super power

In the second part of the workshop we continued with involving actively the young participants. First individually, then in a small group they had to agree on a common cause that everyone is moved by and join in with the members' super powers. Ask the question "why is it important to me/us?" 5 times to find the real motivation and dive deep into one topic. They had a short time too to do the first steps of planning the actions and enable them to continue planning with this tool.

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Volunteer presentations

At the end of the workshop some of the teams have the floor to present their ideas and we heard some very inspiring and excitng ideas of changemaking.

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Read more about Ashoka Youth in Hungary & click here.


More photos about Ashoka Hungary's workshop at AIESEC Youth Speak Forum:

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