Corporate volunteering? - An article from our Pro Bono expert, Noémi Ambrus Kiry
Source: Fauxels,

When we hear the word volunteering, we mean the self-sacrificing activities of private individuals in the public interest. But what about corporate responsibility? Ashoka Hungary's two new publications provide an extremely practical answer to this!

Ambrus Kiry Noémi_Pro Bono
                                     Noémi Ambrus Kiry

In its latest campaign, Ashoka Hungary once again addresses a topic that is important in many ways. Corporate volunteering, corporate responsibility, CSR, are buzzwords and topics that many people talk about and few do well on the one hand. To do it well, you need practical knowledge. Ashoka Hungary publishes the collected knowledge in the form of two downloadable publications.


Read the FULL ARTICLE (available in Hungarian).