of Fellows have seen their idea replicated by independent groups
Collective Impact For Systems Change
Discover how we ignite collaborations and collective impact around Europe´s most pressing challenges: Biodiversity, Democracy, Anti-corruption, the impacts of COVID-19 and more.
The Ashoka Europe Fellowship Program
The Ashoka Europe Fellowship Program is a co-learning and co-creation community to leverage Ashoka's local and global experience, resources and networks in order to advance social entrepreneurship and changemaking for the good of all - across the continent. The Program empowers and connects change leaders and key players in the social entrepreneurship eco-sytstem in Europe to learn from one another and aim for systems change in co-creative ways.
The Ashoka Globalizer
The Globalizer program taps into Ashoka’s broad network of changemakers across the business, government, and citizen sectors. It begins with a three-month advisory phase where a support team of volunteer advisors—leading strategy consultants and high-level business leaders—help Ashoka Fellows reflect on key issues and establish a solid strategy to spread their impact.