Agamemnon Otero

Energy Garden is combining community gardens with a city-wide community energy cooperative model to create a highly public, transport-based initiative to dramatically expand renewable energy in London...

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Lisa Wilkins

Lisa Westcott Wilkins is creating ‘Social Impact Archaeology’ with Dig Ventures – a citizen-led archaeology that allows anyone to participate, using the field as a vector to enrich communities, place...

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Stephanie Brobbey

The Good Ancestor Movement (GAM) exists to disrupt the mainstream wealth advisory industry by challenging traditional ideas around the economy, excessive wealth accumulation, tax minimisation and the...

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Hera Hussain

Recognising that the web is a powerful tool for vulnerable women who may have nowhere else to turn, Hera Hussain founded Chayn, a universe of online spaces for victims of gender-based violence that...

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Tessy Britton

Tessy ensures that neighborhoods have the social infrastructure for participation and social cohesion of the community. With each application in a new neighborhood, Every One Every Day changes how we...

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Alison Tickell

Alison Tickell, founder of Julie’s Bicycle, focuses on the ecosystem of culture as a central, vital driver in the fight against climate change. A multi-billion-dollar industry, culture is also a...

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Bob Bharij

Through Foundation for Change, Bob is addressing the revolving door culture that exists in services supporting individuals who have experienced significant disadvantage and inequality. By supporting...

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Immy Kaur

Immy envisions a world in which local communities rely less on governing councils, gifts of grants, and landlords and more on themselves and the natural resources around them to effect regenerative...

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Mark Campanale

Opening a different front in the fight against global warming, Mark Campanale has designed a new way to understand the value of fossil fuel companies’ carbon stockpiles not only to change how...

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David Robinson

Britain’s welfare state had become expansive and expensive by 1970. Successive governments reined in spending, and increasing reliance on market forces meant that business provided the template for...

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John Christensen

Rapid globalization from the 1970s saw a rise in trade agreements and international financial transactions. But the legal infrastructure then in place had been designed largely by nation-states, not...

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Jennifer Lexmond

Jen is building a more socially mobile society by inspiring parents and children everywhere to learn through play

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Sue Riddlestone

For the past quarter century, Sue Riddlestone has been a leader in the sustainability movement, pushing the national and global agenda on advancing more sustainable production and consumption. Sue’s...

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Andrew Bastawrous

Andrew aims to transforming global eye care delivery systems by leveraging existing resourcing, building local capacities, and developing tools to increase efficiencies in screening, diagnosis, and...

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Carlene Firmin

During adolescence, the risk of abuse that young people face often shifts from a familial context to public/school/peer environments. Currently, child protection systems are better equipped to address...

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Pam Warhurst

Pam Warhurst has been an activist and advisor for nearly 50 years. She has been involved in local politics and national policy as the Chair of the Board of the Forestry Commission. Eleven years ago...

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Sarah Corbett

Sarah founded the Craftivist Collective to transform the way people think about, engage with, and most importantly do activism. Through her principles of ‘Gentle Protest’, she is inspiring both the...

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Vernon Ringland

Vernon has developed a methodology that supports young people to take charge of grantmaking in their communities, allowing them to lead real, concrete change and enabling them to fully realize their...

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Marc Koska

Marc Koska is founder of the Safepoint Trust. He invented and successfully mainstreamed one of the world’s first auto-disable syringe. Since beginning his work in the late 1980’s, Marc is credited...

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Mark Swift

Mark Swift is creating a social movement for health that mobilizes and empowers communities to take control over their own health and wellbeing. He broadens the understanding and definition of...

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Sanderson Jones

Sanderson Jones has created a new form of congregation: a social technology that supports community integration and personal well-being. With over 70 Sunday Assembly chapters in 8 different countries...

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Tom Ravenscroft

Tom Ravenscroft is the founder of Enabling Enterprise, an organisation that addresses the fundamental chasm between education and the world of work by increasing the enterprising behaviour of students...

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Paul Sinton-Hewitt

Paul founded parkrun to both create an occasion for people to be physically active and connect them with their community. parkrun events are free, open and volunteer-led runs, taking place every...

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Patrick Holden

Patrick Holden founded the Sustainable Food Trust (SFT) to catalyse the transition towards a more sustainable global food system. Having been a leading pioneer of the organic food market in the UK 30...

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Dame Esther Rantzen

Esther pioneered ChildLine, the world’s first 24/7 child helpline for children in distress, offering free, safe and confidential support.

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Fredrik Galtung

An estimated 25% of aid and government projects’ value is lost to fraud, corruption and mismanagement in developing and war-torn countries. Fredrik Galtung is re-defining anti-corruption work from top...

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John Kearney

In a country where economic collapse and emigration have decimated rural services of all types, local communities are creating new structures to save their own lives. Irish Community Rapid Response is...

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John Bird

John Bird founded The Big Issue in 1991, to liberate and de-criminalize homeless people by giving them an opportunity to earn a legitimate income, exit poverty and gain freedom over their life choices...

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Kelly Davies

Kelly Davies is re-engineering the role local sports clubs can play in their communities. Rather than being a venue for sports and matches alone, Kelly believes they are an ideal public space to...

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Michael Sani

Michael Sani is revolutionizing youth democratic participation by creating a generation of young changemakers who have the skills and confidence needed to embark on a journey of lifelong political...

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Simon Berry

Inspired by the global distribution and reach of Coca-Cola products, Simon Berry has built a successful new model to bring lifesaving, over-the-counter medicines to low-income communities where they...

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Tristram Stuart

Tristram Stuart is triggering a global movement to significantly reduce food waste, which today leads to one-third of all food being wasted at a global level. By engaging every stakeholder in the...

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Andrea Coleman

For over twenty years, Andrea Coleman has focused on solving a seemingly simple, key component of rural healthcare delivery: on-the-ground transportation. Through a series of partnerships with...

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Alexander McLean

Across much of Africa, people in prisons are closed away from society and stripped of their basic rights, often without having been convicted of a crime. Through education, access to health and...

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James Bevan

James Bevan has developed a global methodology to identify and map flows of illegal weapons into armed conflicts. Through Conflict Armament Research, James collects first-hand data on conventional...

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Mairead Healy

Mairead’s Future Voices seeks to open up new opportunities for Ireland's most marginalized young people and combat the entrenched culture of elitism that dominates the legal and political systems of...

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Mel Young

Mel Young has dedicated over two decades to tackling homelessness in Scotland, in the UK and around the world. As serial entrepreneur, his most recent achievement is catalysing the global use of...

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Oren Yakobovich

Human rights abuses remain unseen every day - with victims in hard-to reach areas left with no means to hold their perpetrators to account. Oren Yakobovich founded Videre in 2008 to empower oppressed...

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Ruth Ibegbuna

Ruth Ibegbuna founded RECLAIM to tackle the UK’s low rates of social mobility. RECLAIM is building a new strand of working-class youth leadership with the mission of “being seen, being heard and...

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Charlie Howard

Charlie Howard is taking mental health work out of the clinic and onto the streets, successfully engaging young people involved in gangs and antisocial behavior. Charlie is revolutionizing the way...

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Jane Davis

Jane Davis is changing the way people relate to literature, to each other and to themselves through a shared reading model called Get Into Reading, which brings small groups together on a weekly basis...

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James Thornton

Working at the intersection of Europe’s entrenched environmental challenges, layers of government institutions, and country-specific agendas, James Thornton is using a legal approach to systematically...

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Neil McCabe

Neil McCabe is utilizing the existing infrastructure of firehouses, a locally oriented and trusted arm of government, to provide a local, national and international example for green transition. A...

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Rufus Pollock

Rufus Pollock is building a global movement to empower people to answer the questions that matter. Questions like where do my taxes get spent to what’s the best school for my child? What’s the latest...

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Chris Underhill

Chris Underhill has created a movement in the field of mental health that expands existing talent in local communities and puts the mentally ill and their families in charge of resolving challenges...

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James Whelton

James Whelton, a natural builder, teacher, avid entrepreneur, and tenacious tech expert, is creating a youth movement of citizen coders to spread a mindset shift in young people based on mentorship...

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Mohammad Al-Ubaydli

Mohammad Al-Ubaydli is reducing the cost of healthcare, improving patient health outcomes, and reinventing doctor-patient communication. Through Patients Know Best, Mohammad’s technology platform...

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Shauneen Lambe

Shauneen Lambe is changing the criminal justice system’s treatment of young offenders from one of punishment and stigmatization into an opportunity for positive intervention. Through Just for Kids Law...

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Annys Darkwa

Annys Darkwa has identified that stable, quality housing is a key linchpin in the cycle of re-offending, and she is solving this public sector problem with a private sector solution.

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Krystian Fikert

In Ireland, adequate mental health care is out of reach for many who need it because public offerings are too slow and the private market is too costly. Krystian Fikert has created a new social...

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Karen Mattison

Karen Mattison is changing the United Kingdom employment market to create high-quality, part-time employment opportunities for women who need a flexible schedule to accommodate family and other...

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Ken Banks

Ken Banks is bridging the digital divide in the citizen sector by bringing the tech revolution to the last mile: To the isolated, small, and resource-poor organizations in the developing world. Having...

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Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson believes that only offenders can stop re-offending. Offenders are the key to their own rehabilitation, and the key to improving the system that is supposed to perform that function...

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Brendan Dunford

Brendan Dunford is creating a new approach to sustaining some of our most iconic and best loved landscapes by placing farmers at the creative center of developing and delivering key conservation...

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Nick Sireau

Nick Sireau is applying the insights of modern consumer marketing to solve the basic energy needs of the rural poor in Africa. Nick’s idea is to trail blaze new consumer norms for customers who are...

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Lily Lapenna

Lily Lapenna created the first independent peer led youth banking program approved by the national banking regulatory body (Financial Services Authority—FSA) in England. In doing so, Lily is...

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Mike Feerick

Mike is creating an initiative to serve as the global source for online education at a time when community college is an underfunded and underdeveloped educational resource. His free form of online...

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Mary Nally

Mary Nally is building structures that keep older people engaged in their communities and active contributors to society. She is bridging gaps between generations and disparate populations, placing...

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Tom Steinberg

Traditional methods of promoting civic engagement have relied heavily on politics, often disenfranchising citizens from the process. Through mySociety, Tom Steinberg has used the internet to remove...

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Junior Smart

In deprived areas of London, increased violence, theft, and drug use have contributed to the rise of crime among young people. To address these problems, Junior Smart has developed an ex-prisoner led...

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Steve Collins

Steve Collins is changing the architecture of nutritional treatment by bringing treatment out to afflicted people rather than afflicted people to the treatment. By using a decentralized care model and...

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Rob Hopkins

The Transition movement Rob Hopkins initiated provides solutions to the twin challenges of climate change and reaching peak oil, the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction. He is accomplishing...

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Michael Kelly

Michael Kelly is catalyzing a nationwide movement to substantially increase the number of people growing their own food. He has resurrected the traditional Irish notion of the “meitheal,” a practice...

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Faisel Rahman

Throughout the United Kingdom, people living in low-income, marginalized communities have limited access to financial products and services that serve their needs. These individuals, who may be most...

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Al Harris

In today’s global economy, communities that previously had been subsistence-based are now subject to external market forces that are changing their societies and threatening their natural environments...

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Emma-Jane Cross

For over a decade, Emma-Jane Cross has worked throughout the UK to transform the country’s endemic culture of bullying. Having designed highly effective peer-to-peer mentoring methodologies and rolled...

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Caroline Casey

Caroline Casey helps Irish businesses to develop new approaches to employing and serving disabled people.

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