The Transformative Power of Women's Circles

Story by: Melina Bravo

story mosaic

Mexico ??

I am Melina, daughter of Emma, granddaughter of Pilar, and we were born in Mexico. All women were born in the depths of masculinity and systemic violence, each living their path to improve themselves and seek their happiness. 

At the age of 15, I had many questions about suffering in women, their silence, the taboos about our bodies, their cyclicality, their emotions, and the moral injustices.  Also Throughout the years, I lived the monthly hormonal changes and the rule as a "curse" (one of the normal and current names for menstruation) until 

I met a group of women that would accompany me to walk and understand my cyclicity with my sacred being to empower myself and accompany other women to do so and heal their lineage from that time I began a path of self-knowledge and deep reconciliation with my femininity and cyclical nature, and I have seen women from different parts of the world walk and reconcile. 

I am passionate about investigating feminine rituals and rites of passage, which I have explored in different cultures through anthropological research. 

Since the beginning of structured communities, women's circles have existed in each culture creating sacred spaces and rituals around the world of faith communities. These circles accompany women's personal, spiritual, and physical self-knowledge to empower the wise, strong, sensitive woman that exists in each of them. We honor the women behind us (mothers, grandmothers, friends) because women embody the cyclic nature of the world. These meetings are held in different parts of the world with different formats on Full Moon and New Moon in a circle, similar to what our grandmothers did to talk in a safe space. 

The curiosity to know these sacred rituals led me to live different experiences in different parts of the world and meet other women transforming their spaces for social transformation with workshops, meetings and listening. I was able to see and feel the empowerment of each woman I met in different contexts and different realities.

After growing and enriching myself during all these years together with other women, I felt the illusion of sharing the fruits of this path with face-to-face and online workshops and training so that other women can reconnect with their feminine power and wisdom and help create new references for future generations of women. These workshops are for girls, young people, grandmothers, and mothers.

What can heals me heals us all.