Changemaking: Increasing Environmental Awareness Through Religion

Story by: Mustika Intan

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Indonesia ??

I am one of the environmental activists who are actively promoting reducing the use of single-use plastic, besides that I am actively participating in women's organizations by upholding Islamic religious values. I am moved to do environmental work because awareness of caring for the earth requires commitment and consistency, not just campaigning (by the way) but having to improvise by demonstrating concrete practices. This planet earth has experienced the regeneration of creatures with all the dynamics of damage done by humans, so be a human being who has a civilized concern and concern for the earth. I understand that everyone has a responsibility towards life and the environment in which they live. We must not object with the statement that the environment does not recognize any religion. So our duty is to return the favor by proving that our behavior is also humane towards our environment.

Starting from the anxiety that I see, there are still many users of plastic in traditional markets, either provided by traders at the kiosk, or these consumers are not aware of carrying eco-friendly shopping bags. We from the Institute for Environment and Disaster Management (LLHPB) Central Executive 'Aisyiyah hand in hand with the Indonesia Plastic Bag Diet Movement (GIDKP) supported by GIZ, we are driving 1 pilot market in Jakarta as a Religious Matters program that aims to encourage behavior change for traders , consumers, market stakeholders, the environment around the 2 kilometer radius market which is still reachable, PKK mothers, kindergarten teachers and of course 'Aisyiyah mothers. In addition, we want to build a positive perspective, namely shopping, bringing your own container for wet commodities and bringing shopping bags from home is easy and can be done by anyone. The religious approach that we use certainly involves religious actors in the market mosque. We know that this place of worship is a means of preaching and broadcasting for Muslims. It has a variety of activities, so we synergize for socialization campaigns that reduce plastic can be reduced and use minimal.

We carry out the process of raising awareness for market residents with various efforts, we involve interfaith traders to be invited to promote that every religion teaches goodness towards protecting the earth and is prohibited from destroying the environment. In Islam it has been taught that cleanliness is part of faith. It seems that any religion also has good teachings on preserving the environment and prohibiting damage to the earth. So, when the use of single-use plastic which ends up in waste is not managed properly it can pollute our earth, so if we are still using it then we are among the non-believers. That is an important lesson that we must share with many people so that they are competing to realize that they have been doing damage.

we are trying to raise the message regarding the plastic-free campaign in every activity with Islamic values, there are also interfaith actors who are present and provide support that this program is good because so far no one has used a religious approach, because everyone has a spiritual and faith to believe in good teachings on the environment.

It is appropriate that our life is colored by positive actions, a beautiful rainbow gives a charming glow, so with one's life journey creates a legacy of change that will be passed on to the golden generation for benefits that continue to be echoed as charity.