Kuratierte Geschichte
An opinion piece by Vincent on the Standard magazine
Quelle: Ashoka

Want change? Let's collaborate, create a powerful social impact

This article originally appeared on The Standard KE

"More often than not collaborations are premised on the idea of leveraging each other’s strengths, networks, knowledge, etc. to create and implement a big, better idea, more outcomes and achieve broader impact otherwise not possible with one partner going it alone."

"AACOSE, a collaboration between Ashoka Africa and Tangaza University, is a distinct convening that showcases top-tier case studies of cutting-edge innovations driving impactful systems change from leading social entrepreneurs and other changemakers. It provides a unique space for learning and sharing, and an imitable platform for networking and building greater ideas for global challenges affecting Africa."

"Social entrepreneurship has gradually grown into a powerful tool for addressing the world’s most pressing challenges. It involves the application of the best of traditional entrepreneurship principles and the best of traditional charity missions but with a resolute focus on social impact, achieved either directly, indirectly, or through systems change."

"What is constant in the stories of most successful social entrepreneurs across Africa is their ability to collaborate with various stakeholders in achieving their goal of social impact. We have seen Ashoka Fellows collaborate with the private sector to change market dynamics, the public sector to reform public policy, and civil society to change industry norms, with (I)NGOs to bring full inclusion to disadvantaged groups by changing mindsets and working with institutions of higher learning to develop curriculums and institutional culture that values social entrepreneurship and changemaking."

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